harbor freight tire changer (need measurement HELP)


Junior Member
Aug 5, 2011
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ontario canada
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I recently bought an harbour freight changer with the motorcycle attachment off of kijiji. It is missing the centre bar which goes in from the top, and also two parts of the bead breaker. I would like to make a bar and the bead breaker parts. Would anyone out there be kind enough to measure theirs for me. I need the length of the bar and diameter size. For the bead breaker I have the tube that comes off the bottom of the main part of the changer for the bead breaker, but not the rest of the breaker assembly. I need the measurement length width etc of the flat pieces, and the actual measure ment of the shovel shaped piece that sits on the tire. It looks like i could make the two halves of the shovel and weld them together to make this part. Or possibly make a whole piece and bend etc. I could wing it by looking at pics possibly but it would be less trial and error with someones measurements. Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED thx and happy riding.
the bar that goes through the center is 24" it is about 1/2 thick stock. there is also a thinner bar also 24" I did not use

I bought just the motorcycle attachment and bolted it to my workbench, so for bead breaker I did this


For harbor freight machine it is highly recommended to get both mojo lever and mojo blocks.

read about it here. Mitch is a good guy to deal with and ship these out fast.

The Mojolever

:welcome: to this great forum!
You have two of the same thread going so I'll delete the other one for you.