Happy Birthday Agf (Adrian)


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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:cheer:...Happy Birthday Adrian....:cheer:,


hope you have a ripper of a day (to coin a phrase ;))
I'll see your "Happy Birthday" and raise you two "...and many more"s.

Thank you all,
This is such a grand family,
I am touched by your birthday wishes, comments, cakes and pics.

and as for getting Comfortably Numb, I know there is a bottle of Sparkling Shiraz on the table tonight, (if you have never tried it give it a whirl)

and I'm sure there will be plenty of music, SRV & FZ for starters and the list could go on for ever, like "the road" according to Joe Ely

Used to like "Seppelt" sparking shiraz

Now I'll drink anything ;)

we were talking about that at arvo tea, Grant Burge does a nice one too, and Dan Murphys has one for about 20 skins at the mo' it should be alright

Do you have "Dan the Man" in WA?, since Woolies took it over they seem to be breeding like rabbits here, one on every corner!, just like the milk bars of olde

'fraid the only things I cant drink are bundy rum( very bad memories ) and Southern Comfort, just never did it for me!
Hey mate, Happy Birthday :cheer:

Whats wrong with BEER !

when I went Gluten Intolerant, beer went out the window.
Damn I miss it too. Gluten free beer is ok but it costs like your in a night club, for the same beer out of the box at the supermarket.

(Why does a $3 stubby cost $9 just coz its cold and served in near darkness with thumping music so your never sure you really heard them say $9????)

note to self:
Adrian --- get off soapbox!

I like a coopers green, a melbourne bitter or two, crownies, grolsch and I think my fav is Becks and of course I lurve guiness mmmm- horizontal soup mmmmm
I only have a few beers over summer, when I really really appreciate them

note to self:
Im getting thirsty..... time to go and have a few!!
cheers again everyone!!
we were talking about that at arvo tea, Grant Burge does a nice one too, and Dan Murphys has one for about 20 skins at the mo' it should be alright

Do you have "Dan the Man" in WA?, since Woolies took it over they seem to be breeding like rabbits here, one on every corner!, just like the milk bars of olde

'fraid the only things I cant drink are bundy rum( very bad memories ) and Southern Comfort, just never did it for me!

Yep, we have Dan Murphy's - don't go there much these days as Mike does home brew (he's actually getting very good at it!...) Also spoilt because I live just outside the Swan Valley - amazing wine region in Perth - so we can just pop down the road to a winery and buy a great bottle :)