Had a not so nice experience today!!!


Yumma Dum Dum
Mar 1, 2008
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Princeton, IN
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I was riding down US-41 today heading into Evansville, IN when I came up to my exit I notice there was some construction going on. While I pulled off for the exit there was a line of cars backed up pretty far on the ramp. I really did not think much of it since that exit stays pretty busy. Little did I not when I got to the bottom of the ramp there was only on left turn lane open (when there is usually 2) and the other lane was blocked by barrels. So I rode down the ramp until I met the barrels. There was no signs that told be before hand that the lane was closed. Anyhoo when I got to the end I notice there was a space between 2 cars. It was a good 8 to 10 feet. So I jetted in and was waiting for the light.

Meanwhile (this is where it turns crappy) the fellow and his girlfriend behind me was not to happy with what I did. I think it was more the douche bag driver than his lady. So he proceeds to lay on his horn at me and start inching up on me. Hearing the horn I turn around and give him a smart a$$ waive in the way of saying "ha ha I have a motorcycle and can do these types of things while your stuck in a cage". So he is still like trying to run up on me as if he was going to bump me. The light turns green and I take off at a normal speed. Noticing that he starts to follow me I start working me way through traffic and put some distance between. I find a clearing and slow down as he rushes up on me with his window down and as if we where in a Hollywood car chase he (now driving right beside me) jerks his car over into my lane as if he was going to hit me.

Now I am pissed. So I don shift and catch up to him as then he slams on his brakes. Now he has tripled my anger. I race up beside him and give him the biggest finger known to man and hang with him for a bit. Now he knows that he has screwed up because his girlfriend starts to hit him and telling him to stop. I not a fighting kind of guy but when someone purposely cuts me off and puts me in danger well if it comes to it I will punch him in the face with the helmet. Finally he changes direction and we both go our own ways.

Was I wrong to sneak in? It wasn't like I took his parking spot or hit his car. 8 to 10 feet is quite a bit of room. What do you all think? Was that a squid move or just a normal merge? :squid:
i prob would have broke his mirror off and took off honestly.... but thats just me.... I don't think you were in the wrong but would have to have been there to fully see the setup.
No way...that wasn't wrong for you to do that. He's just pissed cause he couldn't do it. Those kinds of stories really piss me off.

Glad you didn't end up rear-ending him or him hitting you!

Maybe next time just ignore it :don'tknow:.....some people can be way too crazy.

I would've glanced at his plate and called it in.

I don't think you were totally wrong to pinch traffic in that instance but I think you were wrong to exercise road-rage on a bike with a cager. Dangerous move and something you need to learn to control and handle better. Best choice would have been to have him follow you to the first cop you could find while noting his plate, make and model to mental memory.

Be careful out there man! Please don't become a statistic, ok?
You should have been carrying a concealed weapon so that you could flash it to him after he tried to run you out of your lane. :justkidding: Another classic example of road rage.

Just the other day, I had a guy in a Caddilac make a bad lane change on me, no turn signal and swerve right in front of me. I hit the horn instantly to let him know he screwed up, then I let off the throttle to slow down. He looked in his rear view mirror and had his hands up. I throw both my hands up into the air not as in look at me, no hands, but indicating WTF? I watched him continue to drive, and he used his turn signals during lane changes after our incident. A couple of miles later, the 3 lanes we were on turned into one because of construction. Guess who had his blinker on trying to get in? You guessed it, but I let him in.

I hate drivers who fail to use their turn signals for the fact that it gives pretty much no warning that they are coming into your lane. If a driver at least used their signal, it would give you at least a second to realize that it could be a bad lane change, therefore, I'm not really too upset because at least they gave me a warning. How freaking lazy do you have to be to not use your turn signal!
came up on a guy a few weeks ago i was just cruising he was doing 50mph in a 55mph zone so i passed him never down shifted from 6th or anything just cruising about 1 mile or 2 look back no where to be seen. Next time i look in my mirror he is about 6 inches from my rear tire.. so i speed up a lil and then look again and his right tire is on the yellow double solid line in the middle of the road around a big curve. I pulled off to the shoulder and followed him a lil bit and got make model and license plate pulled over and called it in to the sheriff. after got done talking to them hung up and went back to my ride and made it about 10 mins and sheriff comes up and i move over he goes around with lights and siren so i follow him thinking just maybe they are gonna do something bout it and they did they found him and pulled him over and wrote him for speeding, reckless driving, and a bunch of safety violations on his car plus he was a lil stoned they also got him for having some pot. thing to really keep in mind is that guy could have been half drunk or stoned and could have killed you and never thought twice about it..... The only thing i really had to remember was the license I know cars like the back of my hand it was early 90's mercury sable... the ugly ones.....


like this one.. but color was a lil different...
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I don't think you were totally wrong to pinch traffic in that instance but I think you were wrong to exercise road-rage on a bike with a cager. Dangerous move and something you need to learn to control and handle better. Best choice would have been to have him follow you to the first cop you could find while noting his plate, make and model to mental memory.

Be careful out there man! Please don't become a statistic, ok?

It is kinda hard to just ignore the stupidity of his part but after everything I should have just let it go. The adrenaline was to blame mostly. Yet, still now I have learned from the mishap I will handle it better next time.
biggest thing when you put ur helmet on is SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE!!

I have a big problem with that myself but you have to do it. The guy could be the biggest douche and doing things that PISS YOU OFF TO NO END where you're so angry youre screaming in your helmet.....but when thats happening, pull over, let some time and distance pass, or turn off, or slow down and get behind. Pride comes before a fall. And If you fall there is a semi coming in the lane over your left shoulder to grind you into ground beef....it is NOT worth it....

dont gun it and get out of there either as in those situations you dont want an angry motorist behind you he might hit you out of idiocy unintentionally when he's trying to scare you or something. Also when youre raging you might make bad judgement calls clouded in anger and push too hard and go too fast.

Just my 2 cents, but ya man, reign it in, it WILL save your bacon at some point over the next 40-50 years of riding you do.
I have run into similar situations, I just let the person go...and get the plate with the cell phone (at a stop light) if I can..otherwise if they won't leave me alone, I just go the nearest location with lots of people and stop....ussually they won't persue you if you stop in a busy place.

As much as I would love to kick the mirror off thier cage...it's better to avoid that kind of stuff. In this day and age, people are just as likely to pull out a gun and shoot you....and drive off and leave you dead.:(

Be safe...
Hhhhhmmmmmm....rummage around in this forum and find the "lane splitting" thread from a few days ago; seems "pinching" in this case is similar to "splitting parked cars" (as discussed in the referenced thread); see my comments on "splitting" and on "road rage" :eek:

BTW, I'm basing THIS post on MY preferences from MY time as a "cager" and "biker" and experiences with both from both perspectives who have demonstrated LACK OF RESPECT for other drivers (cagers or not).

Personally, when I'm "stuck" in these types of conditions, I prefer to live with my body in its current shape (with all it's correctly functioning parts) than risk bodily harm by "playing games" expressing my displeasure with a cage.

Peace...live and let live :D
It has taken me years to understand what to do in situations like this.

1.Dont let others have control over your emotions.

2.Dont let your emotions control you.

Keeping this in mind I am becoming a much better individual.:Flash:
Man I understand how you feel. I commute 150 miles a day. During that commute I have to deal with a bunch of douche bags. I also happen to travel the I-35 corridor with all the NAFTA trucks. It is real easy to get pissed at people on a daily basis. You just have to have self control. Your actions can get you killed by escalating a situation. Its not worth it.

I have a CHL and my mindset is all about will my actions potentially escalate a situation to a point where I may have to draw my weapon. If I have to draw my weapon I better be ready to take a life. Was that worth it because someone blared the horn and inched up on me at a light? Are you ready to deal with the legal ramifications and the court cost due to an escalated situation?