Guy crashes brand new motorcycle

Actually, this might be one of our forum members.

Yes, Doorag, he just bought a Gixxer. Look below!
HEY! ;)

Actually I can totally understand how that could happen - especially if he's never been on a litre super sport bike before. They are total animals. I've already had one 'brown trouser' moment turning out of a parking lot when the road was damp and the tires were cold. I had a bit of a wobble (read: almost high-sided) but I managed to keep the rubber side down and my side up.
Thats 100% Real !!!! Pure Talent and a total lack of Fear and Brains!! :rockon: :BLAA:
If so, I wouldn't let such a person even sit on a bike in the showroom---he/she might total it somehow. I can just imagine, sitting on it, bike falls over, in turn, knocks a succession of other brand new bikes over, gasoline spills out of one, startled customer drops his lit cigarette and the whole place goes up in flames. Geesh. Don't even let this guy through the door.