GRRRRR Handlebars!


Junior Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Scotia, NY
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let me just start off with :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
That ought to about cover that part

So after having my friend ride the bike with the FZ1 bar on it (the way the dealer installed) he confirmed what I was thinking. There was WAY too much wobble in the steering. so I took it apart and started the process of cutting them down so i could rotate them to be facing more downward and not as wide. My father and I drilled out the spot weld, pulled out the threads (they're in an insert) cut 1inch off of each end. We then spot welded them back in so the bar ends screwed in perfect.:D I'm on top of the world at this point because my father just saved the day... thought I was S.O.L. on cutting them down.

I spent roughly the next 1/2 hour finding the perfect spot to drill the hole for the throttle body to secure into so i could rotate the bar down perfectly.

After fighting with the throttle body for about 25 minutes I finally got it all on there perfect. I mean perfect!!! At full turn it was 1mm away from the tank. Then just for giggles I put the bar end on.

The damn hole I drilled for the throttle has the throttle grip out about a quarter inch too far!!! when I screw it in tight it doesn't let the throttle turn freely! So now I can't drill another hole because it will be too close to the one I just drilled. I am beside myself right now:rant::rant::rant::banghead:
When I had LSL bars I just knocked the nub off the throttle and clamped it down, no worries. 3,400 miles later is hasn't moved a bit.

Nice work on the welding!
Chiming in to agree with Hellgate, I took a dremel and ground off the nub, despite my initial concerns it was fine.
Weld the hole shut (fill it in) then you'll be able to drill where you need to.

Thanks, this is what I'm going to try to do today. Took the day off cause this is driving me nuts! if that doesn't work I might try your idea Hellgate. thanks for the help guys:thumbup:
Well its done:rockon: I was freaking out about this too, if you couldn't tell. Mostly since my buddy paid for them to be put on the first time so I felt like that was even more of a waste of $100 worth of labor. I have pics for ya too:cheer:

This where i picked up this morning. Notice the right side of the bar. that's the shining glory of last night... followed by the grand F@$#up of my drilling the second hole to the left


We took a long piece of brass stock an pounded out a flat end of it so it would hold the weld in place long enough to harden.


Then I drilled the new hole, you'll notice if you look closely that it's about a quarter inch to the left and the new hole accually touches where the old one was!

After all that screwing around I finally got everything on perfectly. Finished about an hour ago. the first pic is the clutch side the second is the throttle.

Well done!

So???? How's the ride now? Oh wait, you're probably out on it right now with the ear-to-ear grin going on! :thumbup:
Well done!

So???? How's the ride now? Oh wait, you're probably out on it right now with the ear-to-ear grin going on! :thumbup:

Took it for a ride up the road right after I was finished then came in to upload pics:thumbup:

it's WAAAY better now. Obviously there is still some wobble but not nearly as much as before. I feel safe on it now at least. I think the problem was 3fold to begin with. they were wider, straighter, and the way they were rotated all made for SUPER sensetive steering... for example I was riding home yesterday from work and a relatively normal gust of wind pushed me back and they wobbled... i was barely putting any weight on them at the time. now they're 2 inches shorter (1 on each side) and rotated correctly ( which makes them more comfy too :D they're still straighter but that was the whole point!

i would definitely recommend anyone do this if they have the ability to cut the bars down. otherwise (probably depending on your exp. and personal feel) you might want to look for some other option.
On of the reasons I got the fz1 bars was that I heard they were wider. I felt my hands were too close together when I was in a crouch on the hwy(do ALOT of hwy riding) When I actaully got the bars in my hands I noticed they were barely wider than the stock ones. Maybe the bars are different between the 06 and 07 but mine werent anywhere near 2 inches wider. MAYBE an inch, because of one less bend in them compared to the stockers. Anyways good job on the repair and Im glad you find them more comfortable. Thats the whole point..a SUCCESSFUL mod....sux when you spend time and money on something that doesnt do or work like you expect it too....Take it easy
i'd like something like this but i would never put that kind of effort into it. I may opt for a riser... currently I do have some wierd aftermarket handle bars taht I dont care for.