Gotta say bye to my FZ6


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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The economy really got to me last year and I filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on the last day of 2008. I decided to surrender my red 2006 FZ6 to the creditor since I owed more than it was worth. Not an easy decision. I borrowed money from my brother and bought a good used car that gets good gas mileage and think it's gonna be a long time before I get another bike. Work is cutting back hours and people are getting laid off there and pay is also being cut. Not good. Not good at all.

Here's a question: has anyone ever gone bankrupt and owed money on a vehicle and had the finance company just say it wasn't worth the trouble of taking it back? Know what I mean? They just decided to let the consumer keep it? I doubt that will happen but if it did I would sell the bike and pay my brother back.

Anyway, kinda sad to see her go. I had some great rides and she was very reliable. The most smooth and consistent bike of all the 14 bikes I've ever owned.

Take care all. Be careful out there. Be safe and don't overdue it.


The economy really got to me last year and I filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on the last day of 2008. I decided to surrender my red 2006 FZ6 to the creditor since I owed more than it was worth. Not an easy decision. I borrowed money from my brother and bought a good used car that gets good gas mileage and think it's gonna be a long time before I get another bike. Work is cutting back hours and people are getting laid off there and pay is also being cut. Not good. Not good at all.

Here's a question: has anyone ever gone bankrupt and owed money on a vehicle and had the finance company just say it wasn't worth the trouble of taking it back? Know what I mean? They just decided to let the consumer keep it? I doubt that will happen but if it did I would sell the bike and pay my brother back.

Anyway, kinda sad to see her go. I had some great rides and she was very reliable. The most smooth and consistent bike of all the 14 bikes I've ever owned.

Take care all. Be careful out there. Be safe and don't overdue it.


Hi Chris,
I am very sorry to hear of your predicament. I don't know anything about your bankruptcy procedures. Just wanted to wish you luck.

I am sorry to hear about your situation. Lots of people are getting laid off in my area and lots of houses are going into foreclosure. Really rough times. I wish you the best of luck.
Sorry for your loss. Wowsers, I did not expect this economy to show its downside so soon. Chris what kind of work you do?
I'm a truck driver for the San Diego Union Tribune. San Diego's only major newspaper. Me and my fellow truck drivers deliver thousands of newspapers in bulk to the various distribution centers in the San Diego metropolitan area where carriers handle it from there.

It's a living. :)
Chris, sorry for your hard luck brother. I hope things start looking up for you.
Keep your head up and know that people here wish you good fortune.
sorry to hear about your situation Chris, . It's a bummer about selling the bike but there are more important issues in your life right now. I hope things get better for you this coming year.
Well I hope you stay on here and keep posting. Never know when things are going to turn around. Good luck on everything man.
you should look into other truck driving jobs! Some of the trucks that deliver to gas stations etc... One would be McLane.... They basically delivery to gas stations you work 3 on 4 off 4 on 3 off etc... and you have a co driver.... they start out around 50,000 a year... something to look into. Wish you the best of luck!
Sorry to hear about your financial hardships, sucks about the bike but you are doing the right thing. Take care of you and yours first, you'll own another FZ someday. Good Luck.
Sorry to hear it...I know nothing about bankrupcy, other than a friend was also upside down on his bike, and it took them like 4-6 months to repo it after he told them he wasn't making any more payments.

I said a short prayer for ya ;)
Sorry to hear about your troubles Chris and I hope things turn around for you soon. The newspapers are one of those areas that are taking a double hit. Readership has been dropping for a few years and the economy in the tank just makes it worse. I get the Union-Tribune and I'd say it's about half the size it used to be. A lot of the features I used to enjoy are gone because they keep cutting down on content.