Goodbye, farewell and amen.


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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Hello everyone,

It's been awhile since I visited this site. 2009 hasn't been a very good year for me. I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, received a layoff notice recently and had my 2006 FZ6 Yammie repossessed today. Fun, fun, fun.

I only had it a year and never in my wildest dreams thought it would be taken by the repo man. I miss her already.

I suppose I won't be visiting here anymore but just want to say it was a good ride while it lasted and enjoyed the company of fellow FZ6'ers.

It's not easy starting at the bottom again but such is life sometimes. I'm 52 now and fear that my biking days are over. Geez I had fun on two wheels. 14 bikes is plenty but never enough.

Sorry to end in a sad note but y'all take care and ride on.

Let the good times roll. ;)

Oh man this pulls on the heart strings, i hate people having to suffer, so i wish you the best of luck with what ever might come. All i can say is try and hope all will come back to you, and life will return to normal.
I am sad to hear this man. You are welcome to stick around though.
Sorry to hear this. But don't give up yet, life goes on. Good luck in the future.
Dude I'm so sorry to hear about that:(
Starting over does suck I did it 9 years ago, hope things turn around for you soon.
I'm 52 now and fear that my biking days are over.

Keep your chin up, is all about one's "fortunes" ebbing and flowing.
I'm 10 years older than you and returned to motorcycling 2 years ago after a 30 year layoff.
You're never too old. :Flash:
Best of luck for the future, mate. Things will turn around for you. :thumbup:
Dont know if you are a Christian or not but either way I'll pray for you Bro. That stuff is never easy this hasnt been the best year for a lot of us. If you are a Christian put your faith in him give your sorrows and problems to him he'll take care of you. Also like everyone here has said you have friends here who dont want you to go, why not stay. There is all kinds of things to talk about. You can always give advice to newbie's who want or need it. I hope things get better for you!!!!!!! oh if you are a Christian read Philippians 4:13.:thumbup:
Wow, that is some heavy stuff. I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. I agree with others, you don't have to have an FZ6 or even a bike to be part of this forum. Hope things turn around quickly for you and hope to see you around the forum!

Dont know if you are a Christian or not but either way I'll pray for you Bro. That stuff is never easy this hasnt been the best year for a lot of us. If you are a Christian put your faith in him give your sorrows and problems to him he'll take care of you. Also like everyone here has said you have friends here who dont want you to go, why not stay. There is all kinds of things to talk about. You can always give advice to newbie's who want or need it. I hope things get better for you!!!!!!! oh if you are a Christian read Philippians 4:13.:thumbup:

I will add you to my prayers as well :thumbup:
I deeply regret to hear about such misfortune. You'll bounce back stronger than before. Don't leave the site. I created a thread about helping each other out by posting job availability in member locations I hope someone can assist by passing info along.

Thread is "Lets help one another out"

Good luck.
Don't look at it as the beginning of the end. This is just a new beginning for you. I've been there and done that. With a positive attitude and determination, you will be back and better than you were. If you want something hard enough, you will get it.

Stay here and keep posting. We're still your friends, still here to support you through all the good and the bad. Lean on us for cheering up!
Don't be so down, it will turn around. I worked at the same place for 35 years, getting to a position of responsibility. Due to some consolidation of similar departments from different locations my position moved 4 states away, so at 55 I found myself unemployed and never had looked for a job. I learned how to do a resume and actively worked all the internet employment sites I could. I had to sell my last bike to make ends meet during the "time off" but I did take a job and was able to buy my used Fz6. Hang in there, if you have the desire to get back on two wheels, the opportunity will avail itself. (Although I admit that it might not be just what you want. That's why Grandpa and Grandma are living 6 hours away from their family now.)

I'll be thinking of your search.

Say, you aren't a scheduler are you? We are looking and Northern Wisconsin is beautiful this time of year.


Post a reply man. We just want to make sure your ok. We the FZ6 forum have much love for you man. We are one happy family here and take care of each other in times like these. There's no doubt in my mind that you will kick it into gear and get back on your own 2 feet. God Bless you our friend.

sm00thpapa (Jerry)