Good Boobies not some sort of torture. Possibly not safe for work. NO NUDITY.

What IS it about bikes that make the girls that much hotter? (and want to show more of their bodies?)

Women love excitement as much as we do. They love risk. Some of them pretend they dont and maybe some dont, but most of them love risk, danger and excitement.

Motorcycles turn bad girls on.
Motorcycles turn good girls on.

At least thats my take, any ladies that want to tell their point of view on it would be great.
Women love excitement as much as we do. They love risk. Some of them pretend they dont and maybe some dont, but most of them love risk, danger and excitement.

Motorcycles turn bad girls on.
Motorcycles turn good girls on.

At least thats my take, any ladies that want to tell their point of view on it would be great.

I'm about to get married, and I have yet to get my fiance on the bike. Part (well, all) of that is my future mother-in-law. However, I have this gut hunch that as soon as she rides, she'll love it. I know she loves thrills just as much as I do.
I agree. if the weather would cooperate, it's what I'd be doing. also, where in KY do you live? If you can make the wedding, it's in Cairo IL, which is about 2 minutes away from the KY border. Of course, if you live on the other end of the state...

That's an invitation extended to everyone of course. If you want to come to my wedding on Mar 1 2008, send me a PM and i'll send you an invitation.
Well its not that bad of a ride for me to the border of IL. I have rode to MO from here so IL is not a big deal. Getting free is hard for me though. I usually get every other weekend free, but sometimes Trinity's Mom doesnt take her so then plans are off. She is doing better, but it is just hard to tell.
I completely understand, my brother is always tied up with his kids. If you do have Trin feel free to bring her tho (obviously....)
Thanks for the Rita Pictures Steve.

Does anyone remember Carolyn Cossey?
I'm with Steve on this one, redheads all the way. Funny how my last and current girlfriends are both redheads. The current one has green eyes, so much the better.:D

this girl is hot... and she is freaky with a flute....:thumbup: