Garage door is going to die...


I used to be Jethro
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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My garge door fell down on my FZ's gas tank and creased the top of the tank. It took me quite a while to even go and look at it. Still pretty upset. I guess my question is; Now what? Is this fix-able? Or is a new tank the better way to go? Stupid renters ins. wont cover this and my 500 deductible is a b*tch. HELP!?!??!?!!?
is it "dealable"... if not i would asume you would probably want a new tank.. im sure you can find one pre-painted... have you looked on ebay.. sucks that happened, but $h!t happens...
don't think it's easily repairable

i did somethign similar, dropped a peice of 4x4 that was propping my garage door closed on the bike :S
Probably repairable. I had a BMW that ended up with a similar sized dent in a moving van incident. They were able to get the dent out and repaint it. You'll have to search around for someone who does this sort of thing, it's not something most dealers would know about. Look for a bike restorer.
Sucks...I'm not sure you're asking the right question. I'm assuming that you don't have the ability to fix it yourself, so the question you really want to ask is, "Will it be cheaper to take it somewhere to have it repaired?" or "Will it be cheaper to purchase a replacement?"
When I dumped my bike, I put a lovely dent in the tank. The tank metal is pretty thin, so we opted not to pull it for fear that it would cause more issues. We ended up bondoing it. It was easier to match the curves.
Anyway, good luck! On the plus side, she's still ride-able.
That looks like a sharp crease, that goes right through one of the bends in the tank. It's not going to pop right back out. The poster who suggested bondo is on the right track, if you need to 'fix' this inexpensively. It's really cosmetic rather than functional....

Cheapest route is the tank bag. I'd suggest getting a bottle of touch up paint so you can seal the cracks in the finish at the edges of the dent, so water and fuel don't work their way under the finish. That would eventually lead to big blisters in the finish.

No working volume in the tank was lost.... all of the area reduced would have held air, so your tank capacity is effectively the same. If you go the bondo route, you would still be out for paint, and body work. That's probably near the cost of an eBay tank. But at least you know what the tank's history is with the one you have now.
That SO sucks man!:eek:
May I suggest retribution in the form of a chainsaw used skillfully to reduce said door to matchwood!:sinister:

Reminds me of a story about a mate who took delivery of a brand new sports car, parked it on his drive only for a f-off great big tree to fall over and squash it flat during the night. Insurance paid out and he bought another identical. Not wanting to risk the drive, he put it in his garage. That night the whole concrete roof fell in and destroyed that one too.:rant:

Man I know S**t happens but.......:don'tknow:
That's awful, man :(

As several have suggested, I would just get a tank bag.
you can't fix that it's creased to badly.... I would get a tank Bra like Wolfman had... looks better than a tank bag to me.... :rockon: :thumbup: P.S. THAT SUCKS !!! I would have perforated that door in a blind RAGE !!!! :banghead: :mad: :scared:

Did you lose power & the door just fell?

Well, no. My garage door is one of those 35 year old single slabs of wood that run up and down on two tracks. It weighs about 150 pounds and it's about all I can do to heave that S.O.B. up and down. It (the devil door) has slammed down on the front fender of my Harley, it almost killed my dog, it has destroyed my old lawnmower and it has almost broken my back twice! Can garge doors be possesed? Creepy. I should know better by now and not leave the damn thing up. My landlord doesnt beleive me that it is dangerous.

Thank you everybody for your suggestions, the tank bag does cover it up, but I still know it's there. GRR!!

Oh yeah, I started thinking about the firecracker idea, but my wife told me not to be dense.
Well, no. My garage door is one of those 35 year old single slabs of wood that run up and down on two tracks. It weighs about 150 pounds and it's about all I can do to heave that S.O.B. up and down. It (the devil door) has slammed down on the front fender of my Harley, it almost killed my dog, it has destroyed my old lawnmower and it has almost broken my back twice! Can garge doors be possesed? Creepy. I should know better by now and not leave the damn thing up. My landlord doesnt beleive me that it is dangerous.

Thank you everybody for your suggestions, the tank bag does cover it up, but I still know it's there. GRR!!

Oh yeah, I started thinking about the firecracker idea, but my wife told me not to be dense.

I rebuke your garage door in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit...

As your bike walks through the valley of the shadow of death, let us not forget, there is still hope...

Wait... Maybe it was "As we sail into the night, let us not forget, there is still hope..."

You can always threaten it with reincarnation as a workbench table top...
A good bodyman can fix that NP. I'd bet you can find one in a part out tho! Prolly even match the bike.

You fill it with water, take a spitzneagle (spelling sorry) gun and weld metal studs to crease. Connect a slide hammer and slooooooowly pull the dent out. It will have mud and the paint will take while to be as tough as the factory stuff as most shops won't cure it at temp.

The problem is this: unless you can trade labor, the cash could be a chunk. Figure 1.5hrs to fix and prep the tank assuming shop insurance allows them to weld on a gas tank (no holes, but welding metal studs and some grinding). Paint and materials. I suspect $250 or less could do it. Any friends in the trade?

Then again, because the damage is so close to the fill port, a u shaped tool may be able to pop it out without welding. This is not going to be easy as the AIM and pressure applied it critical to the success of dent removal.

If you're like me, just knowing its there will drive you nuts - even under the tank bag. Sorry. . . :(