Fz6 Drag race


The EAgle
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
Binghamton, New york
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I am taking my Fz6 up to the drag strip tonight. I am sure I will be one of the slower bikes there, but I dont care, it will be lots of fun. But my question to you guys is... What is a good launch RPM? I am doing this on a legit track, and from what I hear its pretty sticky. I am going to try to get out and practice taking off a few times, but any advice on a launch RPM range would be great, thanks.
Ive had mine on the 'strip a few times. About 3k and you can float the front all of first gear much more than that and it comes up hard.

Keep us posted on your times. My fastest is 11.92 @ 113
and watch out when you hit 88 MPH!

Good luck, use your head and stay safe. Post the times and have someone take pics!!!
7500 sounds kind of high to me.
When I launch hard, I don't know what I'm at, but it sure isn't 7500... it's probably about 4500. or a bit less.
get staged, first gear, both feet on the ground, get your ass as far forward as possible, lean into it, front brake on, throttle up, and feel the clutch out to the beginning of the friction zone, and watch the light. Pin the throttle as you feel the clutch out (it's relatively fast) and the front wheel will float a bit.
Don't wait for the green to come on before you start to leave, as it takes some time for you to actually move.
This is the method I use for launching on my motocross races, and I very rarely have a bad starting position.
Go out, have fun! Would love to go to show my buddies up!
Well I wouldn't know since I never launched my bike. But you say you have time to practice so go now and practice at all RPM ranges start out at 3,000 RPM and work your way up and see what happens.
You want it "on cam" about 7,500 rpm.


I've done 8,000~ RPM launches before.
I didn't wheelie, but I launched so fast I didn't know what was going on.

Either way you definitely want to be careful!

Remember, when you slip the clutch, the RPM's will drop, so as long as you don't drop the clutch in an instant, you should be okay.
On cam meaning above the flat stop in the power band.

For a hard launch, hold it at 7500 to 8000 and slip the hell out of the clutch. As you add more clutch, add more throttle until the clutch is all the way out. The front wheel should just skim the surface of the road. Then just clutchless shift for the rest of the run.

If you launch below 7500 you are no where near peak power and you will have to wait to the power to build and lose time.

Easier said than done but once you get it right it is like being shot out of a cannon. fun too! :thumbup:
Won't have a clutch left after a few starts...


Have a blast! Pics would be awesome!! :thumbup:
On my TLS i used to slip the clutch right out until the 60ft mark...

I remember screwing it up and dropping the clutch too early once, the front shop straight up at low speed, and I was fighting to get it down, once down, went to hit second, hit a false neutral (its all the rage)...
I still won the round... my best time was 11.3 @ 200kph on teh TL.

Havent taken the FZ down yet.