Fz is Toast and so is my Collarbone


Sep 26, 2007
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Well i crashes the Fz sun morning on my way to work. Going around a blind curve about 6:15am and sure enough there were 3 deer in the road, long story short i ended up on the shoulder wich had gravel on it and highsided i landed in the ditch, and suffered a fractured clavicle (collarbone). Guess ill have to wait on the insurance company b4 i decide what to do about the bike.
Man that sux sorry to hear that. Im glad you walked away from it thou. Anything you can share that we could learn from? There are alot of animals here where I live. I was almost taken out by a Possum on the road. Good think It was a road with a old surface with alot of pot holes as I was going slow and stopped in time. The thing was inches away from my front wheel by the time I stiopped...

Heal up fast.....
Well i crashes the Fz sun morning on my way to work. Going around a blind curve about 6:15am and sure enough there were 3 deer in the road, long story short i ended up on the shoulder wich had gravel on it and highsided i landed in the ditch, and suffered a fractured clavicle (collarbone). Guess ill have to wait on the insurance company b4 i decide what to do about the bike.
Did you take out any Venison?
Gutted for you mate, you haven't had the bike long. Glad your ok mate.

so sorry to hear that, as long as you are allright. Good luck eith the insurance and hope things work out for you.
Sorry to hear your bad news.

We have lots of deer in denmark.

The rule of the road is Not to try to avoid them and hope they will move pretty quickly to avoid you.

On most occasions it works and on the odd occasion that it doesnt they are not as hard as trees, walls etc.

sorry to hear about your bike but i am glad that you are relatively alright, How bad is the bike? Hope you and the bike get fixed up soon!
Nothing can prepare you for something like that. Sorry to hear it happened and hope you heal fast! If you get a chance, post some pics of the bike, ok?
im doing well thanx for all the get well messages. its no the first time ive broke this collarbone lol, lucky for me its heals in like four weeks, i think i should either have a new FZ or have mine fixed by the time im healed up.

The Bike isn't hurt mechanically at all it still runs great and rides straight with no vibrations ( my dad rode it to see if it was ok) i need a new front fairing, headlights, tank, and right plastic side pod, I know that the insurance company is going to total it, and depending how much they give me for it will determine what i do......If they will let me buy it back i most likely will repair it and use the rest of the check to put towards paying it off, But an 07 or 08 is really tempting!!
Sorry, to hear about the crash, but glad you are in good spirits and not seriously hurt.

Get well soon.

Hope you get to feeling better. I Had a friend when I was about 14 break his collar bone. We were all wrestling at PE and someone fell with him on top of him onto the mat. I remember the coach yelling for him to get up and quit acting like a sissy. He didnt see his collar bone sticking out. I remember the look on his face from the pain.