Forum Colors

Instead of trying to embarrass someone into spending money they don't have, perhaps you should realize that there may be things going on in some peoples lives that you have no clue about.
I am not trying to be rude.
As I said, after Christmas I would be more than willing to help out.

not tryin to embarrass you... just a quote from a movie.. :rolleyes: geez oh wizz
not tryin to embarrass you... just a quote from a movie.. :rolleyes: geez oh wizz

Sorry, I didn't know it was from a movie....guess I'm a little sensitive over lack of funds right now. I am always there when someone needs a hand and it sucks not being able to
I have 2 choices of color, but I'm not sure if that is because I am premium. If you scroll all the way to the bottom, on the left hand side there is \"blue\" or \"mns7\" not sure if that will make enough of a difference, but you can try!

It looks like the mns7 is a lighter shade of blue, almost a baby blue.
but its only $5, and look how much more you get! its only 5 $1!

LMAO... supertroopers... I love that movie... I am becoming a cop and well lets just say this movie lightens the mood of being a cop lol

so anyways, im gonna start a thread up. i think we are all in favor of sortin out new colors, now we need to figure out WHAT colors.. and-or how many new colors... look for it..
New site color scheme

Ok, so after a round about discussion, i think we are (for the most part) in favor of adding a few new colors to this site. Admin has given us a site we can use to figure out what color schemes we can choose. Here is the thing, it aint free! Alot of us already donate, but alot of us have not (myself included) here is a good way to donate to the site, and get an added bonus for doing it! Im thinking if everyone puts a couple of bucks in the pot we can get a few extra cool backgrounds going on. Im thinkin $5 a person. If we can raise like $250, we can do 3 background colors, and still have $~175 or more going back to! We need 50 people to do this though!

Here is the site.
vBulletin skins by Complete vBulletin!

A few colors have already been thrown out there, maybe if you guys like a few more we can do a poll, pick out three and get them.

colors others have liked so far.

Red Alert
Twisted Dark
Re: New site color scheme

all about options, we have got to mod the forums just like we've got to mod our bikes. we have to make the forum our own

i like Red alert and Underground just for the record
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Re: New site color scheme

Storm front is the easiest one for me to read.

The reason for the OPTIONAL change would be to help people that this color scheme causes eye pain for. I am one of those people.
It would be a user selectable option. It would not change the main board unless the user selects it.

black with yellow text is very easy on the eyes.
Re: New site color scheme

I like the colour scheme as it is. Don't mind changes though as long as we don't have any red text on black background or vice-versa or I won't be able to see it!