Fork mods - anyone done oil only?


Junior Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Not wishing to spend heaps of my Fizzer as my 600RR gets first dibs on any cash at the moment, but anyone simply changed the oil to 10w or 15w with standard springs etc..

I know Its far from ideal, but in theory would slow the forks down a bit.
I could probably put some spacers in too to act as preload?
Hey Morcs - I think both ideas are good ones and will help, a bit... Seriously 10 to 15 wt oil will made a big difference as will dialing in the preload. Try it and let us know how it worked out.
Yep, the question is, how many preload spacers, and 10 or 15W oil?

The problem with both mods are:

Heavier oil: will only help compression a little bit, but will slow down rebound somewhat - wont handle so well on small bumps.

Preload: as soon as the forks are compressed passed the set preload, the rest of the forks properties are what they were to begin with - rubbish.

Saying that, as stock they are ok. with a pillion they arent - need heaps of rear brake to be able to stabilise and stop quick enough.

This is is the first bike ive ever owned that has forks that arent fully adjustable - which is a shame as the rest of the bike is great.
How much do you weigh? If you are lighter, 175 lbs and below, probably 10 wt, 185 and up 15 wt. This is a total guess and it will depend on what you like.

As far a preload I have no idea for the stock spring.

Be sure to measure your sag first and then dial it in until you have about 25mm to 35mm of sag. Again depends on what you like. When I was racing many years ago I keep about 3 dollars in quarters in my toolbox so I could adjust my preload; either add or remove. I guess you could use washers too.

Good luck with the project I think you'll make some good improvements.
I put in just 15w belray fork oil. Works nice. About 155-160 lbs. The only place it is a problem is the huge curb up into my driveway if I am going pretty quick. Its too think there. Its like hitting two stacked two by fours getting into my driveway though. I may be able to fix it with more air though, but otherwise its great for me.
To start with just put a wheel bearing in the top of each fork. Made a noticeable improvement :cheer: