For those in the military...


Jul 19, 2008
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Reno, NV
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First off I would like to say thank you very much for everything you do serving. Secondly, I am planning on enlisting in the United States Air Force in the next few months. So.. I have a few questions for those serving and those that have served, regardless of branch.

I'm looking for something challenging and rewarding in the AF. I'm even considering trying to become a pilot down the road if I enjoy it. I scored well on the Pre-ASVAB, an 89/99, so I think most career options will be open for me. I chose the AF because I think they have the best educational standards, which is one of my other goals, to get a degree. I've been looking into it for a while now and think that if I get into the right career path I can really excel. I'm also looking forward to seeing at least the rest of the U.S. and hopefully other countries.

Anyways, what was your MOS? Did you enjoy it?

How long did you enlist for?

Where were you stationed?

Where did you always want to go when you were serving (location)?

Overall, is enlisting worth it?

If there was anything you could do differently, what would it be?

Any advice for me?

3 years Army (96-99)
Combat Tanker (sign on bonus, go figure)
Least intellectually stimulating job I've ever held
Never stationed anywhere except Kansas (would've gone to more places but tanks are only at select posts)

My brother went into the Air Force and seemed like they treated him well. Aircraft mechanic was a generalized job description for him.

If I were doing it again, Air Force would likely be my choice. Not that it matters for your decision, but my impressions post-military.

Army was a good time though. Had a ball and grew up a little. Thank you for your desire to serve, if it doesn't work out it wasn't meant to be but thanks in advance if it does!!!
Air Force is a good choice, lots of technical jobs, but you may want to look at the Army too. UAVs are growing as an MOS, MI - You need a GT of at least a 110 to get in, and many other good fields. There is much more to that Army than Infantry, Armor and things that go boom.

Armor and/or Infantry - 1990 to present, been to Germany, Romania, Honduras, New Orleans, all over Texas, Colorado, Idaho, California, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Iraq and Kuwait and that was all with the National Guard, ie: part time.

Enlisting was one of the best things I've ever done. Paid for my Master's degree, helped me get good civilian employment, met some really cool people, also met some idiots.

I would strongly suggest that with your scores (find out what your GT score is, that is the one that counts) you talk to all branches of the service and see who has the best offer. One final comment, the Air Force and Navy are getting smaller, the Army is growing by 65,000 = more jobs, more opportunity and more $$$. Enlistment bonuses are rockin' right now, $20K plus!
Army 05-current
Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
Signed for 4 years then just reenlisted this year of 4 more
Stationed in Texas, Moving to Colorado after this deployment

In the Army i have met alot of really good people. There is a few idots too that you will have to work with sometimes but its not that bad just dont let them get the best of you. Using the military for education is a great idea. The Military is a great organisation. Even if its not for you inthe long run it will help you figure out who you really are.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
99-04 combat engineer
05-present combat medic
i been in LA, and TX and kuwait/iraq
i always wanted to go in to the 25th infantry at schofield in hawaii
being enlisted is the greatest thing its like being with friends all day
i guess i did everything ok the engineers tought me to be a man
and being a medic tought me how to help people.
if you want a real good job that uses your brain try the medical field you really have to think peace
I'm going to jump on in here with a question.

Do you need to be American to serve in the US Army?

I went to basic training with a guy who was a Korean citizen. He came to the US to go to school then decided to joinhe Army. He was in the process of becomming an American citizen when he was in basic but he joined as a full Korean citizen
I'm going to jump on in here with a question.

Do you need to be American to serve in the US Army?

As side show said, no. I work from time to time with a German who is a LTC in the Guard. Not sure of the details however. It is a very good path to citizenship.
'79 -'82, enlisted, Army. 11b2y (airborne bullet catcher, pathfinder) All peace time. Though I did get to Panama to run around in the jungle and houses of ill-repute, and some special desert activities that coincided with a certain Iranian hostage situation.

Was a good experience for me. But the service as a career wasn't my path. Maybe if I'd have pushed myself and gone into special forces. Funny, I was fit as could be, but I have this weird little heart murmur that kept me out of helicopter flight school. Make sure you don't have something like that or you'll be sorely disappointed down the road. Other things that, at the time, were disqualifiers were things like severe allergies, such as hayfever.

You'll meet lots of good-hearted and smart folks, you'll also meet some idiots. Just keep your b.s. filter switched on. Learn to play the game and you'll do well.

I've heard the Air Force described as "civilians in uniforms." In hindsight, I probably should've gone that route. I had a really high gt score. Could've done just about yeah. What can I say, I was 17 at the time -- my folks were glad to see me go.

As has been said, thanks for stepping up to serve, no matter which branch you choose.
Army enlisted 1990-1994 (Infantry)
Commissioned Officer 1994-present (Tanker)

Airforce is a good choice but make sure you weigh all your options throughout the services.

Make the best out of where ever Uncle Sam sends you. It's what you make out of it. Some of the most beautiful places can turn out to be the worst. It all depends on your attitude and what you do to make it worth while. I've been stationed at Fort Polk, Fort Knox and West Point. Participated in Haiti, Bosnia and OIF. Just remember you don't join the military to stay home. I've enjoyed all of it. Good luck and thanks for serving if it works out for you.

P.S. Over my 18 years of service....I have to say the AirForce has the best looking chicks!!!!;)
Intelligence, yes I enjoy (deployments are VERY interesting)
Joined in 1986 for 4 years, I've re-enlisted since
Stationed in the Philippines, Korea, various bases in the states
Enlisting for me was the right thing. It depends on what you want.
Finished my degree sooner.
If you join, come in with a guaranteed job.
4 years active duty USMC 3531 with a 3533 secondary, and 3536 Motor T bubba, was a dragon master. Was lots of fun. went to MCRD in san diego then at miramar for first 3 years with MWSS 373. Then off to okinawa with 3rd TSB "red patcher" . it was very much worth it. the only thing i would have done different was take a MOS that would help me get a job when i got out. ya know what i mean. The airforce by far had the best looking chicks but to get with them you had to be a MARINE lol :thumbup: :Flip: OOH RAH
....and I bet you were'nt even looking at them through your \"deployment goggles\" or giving them the 5 handicap points that every chick gets in Iraq:D

Not one bit. And to make even more painful, the wore their PT gear, with the blue Air Force running shorts. Damn...When they sat down that side of the entire DFAC was tracking them. And you know they loved it.
Not one bit. And to make even more painful, the wore their PT gear, with the blue Air Force running shorts. Damn...When they sat down that side of the entire DFAC was tracking them. And you know they loved it.

Too true. Some really strut their stuff and they know we are all watching and they love every single second of it. Talk about hard times (ha ha).
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the input. Two of my best friends just made it through basic in the USMC and are now going to SOI. One is going to be a helicopter mech and the other a equipment operator. Those would be good jobs for the future but im looking for something that I can experience only in the AF.

I've been researching all the branches and I personally like everything the AF has to offer. Quick fact as far as education: In 2007 the USAF has over 20k enlisted complete associates degrees, compared to 6k and less in the other branches.

Another question, I will have to get a letter from my doctor that did my back surgery saying that I am 100% good to go, no physical limitations, fit for military service, as well as I do not have scoliosis anymore.. Has anyone heard about anyone serving with back problems??
I enlisted for four years to see how I liked it. I like it so far so I resigned for another 5 years. I am an F-16 Avionics guy. 2A3X2. I have been to lackland afb, Sheppard afb, keesler afb, nellis afb, and now kunsan ab. About to go to Spangdahlem ab soon. If you enlist in the Air Force for education then pursue it diligently. If you don't you will end up waiting too long when you could have had it done way before. I speak from experience. I joined for education but have been too lazy and now I find myself trying to catch up. As of right now AF is very good with education benefits. It is true the AF is downsizing but only non critical AFCS. People who were on the f-117 of course got forced trained or got the option to separate. This is because this jet was phased out. So when you pick your job doing it wisely. Don't necessarily listen to the MEPS guys. Take it with a grain of salt cause you could get talked into a not so great job. Do your research! Make sure whatever they say is in writing. If you wanna be an officer go the ROTC route if at all possible. Best option out there for officers. I sometimes wish I would have done that but I love my job so its all good. May do officer route down the road. Everything the recruiter and MEPS people is very important. Make sure you get everything in writing. Some recruiters have a problem and tell half truths to get people to enlist. Always check what they say. Think about if you will be able to use this skill you acquire as a civilian. This is very important. On the whole back thing best place to start is your recruiter. Keep in mind MEPS is the ultimate approval authority. Overall enlisting was an awesome thing for me to do. I love what I'm doing, can make a very decent living doing it as a civilian if I chose to get out, I have seen some cool places and more soon to come, get paid damn well, get to go around the world, and educational benefits(when I use them). Let me know if you have any questions.
Anyways, what was your MOS? Did you enjoy it?
How long did you enlist for?
Where were you stationed?
Where did you always want to go when you were serving (location)?
Overall, is enlisting worth it?
If there was anything you could do differently, what would it be?
Any advice for me?
1. 91B Combat Medic ( Army )
2. 3 Years active (you are theirs' for 8)
3. Georgia, Texas, South Korea, and Georgia in that order.
4. Hawaii (good luck) I also asked to be sent to Korea and do not regret it one bit. Would have also loved to see Germany/Europe.
5. Yes if I didn't enlist I would probably be a bum, in jail, or dead right now. It totaly got my life on track from where I was heading and it has helped me in everything I have ever done since. ( getting jobs, being motivated to make myself a better person, etc)
6. Sign up for the G.I. Bill and not an enlistment bonus (10K cash vs. 40K college money) Dumb mistake but I didn't think I would ever go back to school and now I am going to have to pay for it out of my own pocket.
7. If there is any thing you really want, make sure it is in your contract! Make the most of it and no matter how bad you think it sucks at that one moment remember that you will not regret it in the end. Be open to duty stations you may not want to go to, you never know if you will like it until you try. Also, get a job that has some relevence to what you want to do when you get out. I get asked all the time "why aren't you an EMT now?" and I have to say "the guys I was helping then needed help. The guys I am helping out here could be a crack head/gang banger who shot himself in the foot and I have no compassion for them, let him die."
The AF girls were the best looking but you don't go in for the military chicks. A civillian woman loves a man in uniform! and I am not just talking about american women......