Fizz rider re-deploying.


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2009
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Hinesville, GA
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Dear Fizz-Nation,

My name is SPC O'Ryan. I haven't been on here for about a year, due to my deployment. But now that I am re-deploying back to the states soon I was wondering if I could get some advice with some questions I seek answers to.

So here they are:

Are there anythings I should do to my bike after letting it sit for a year in storage? Is it safe to ride to the Yamaha Dealer to get it serviced? I am just un-aware the affects of leaving a streetbike alone for a year. I've left dirtbikes for like 2-3 years and just kicked em right up. But this FZ6 is my child and I would not treat her the same as my Thumper.

(I can't remember if my tank was full or empty. But I think it was full when I left it in storage, and I put some stabil in it as well.)

Also I am thinking about doing an exhaust mod to my bike, and I was wondering. Which exhaust is best in your opinion? Is amazon the best place to get these exhausts? And will I need a power commander if I get an exhaust for my 6? And are there any other mods that should go with Exhaust like I've heard a power commander does.

Thank you all in advance. I look forward to seeing you comments.
First of all: Thank you for your service!

You may want to consider taking a refresher course when you do finally get back before you start riding again.
Thank you for your service first of all !

Second before you start the bike for the first time check all the fluids oil,coolant,Break fluid. Just to make sure they are not compromised with anything water oil or any other mixture of the two. Also check the gas over that period of time gas can do some really funny things. Do not forget to check the tire pressures and the condition of them as well cracks and any other distortions. From there I would lube the cables and a good check of the chain for bad links or rust. And just for a little precaution I would cycle the suspension a little just to make sure the seals are not dry.I hope you put it on a battery tender if you did'nt I would think about pulling the battery out and give it a good charge also.
Welcome back Home!!! :welcome::rockon:

The post above mine sums it up. You should also check your tires. Make sure they have enough air and are in good condition.

As for the exhaust... I honestly haven't got a clue I still have the stock cans.
But what ever you do ride safe and hav fun!
Welcome back!

Everything else got pretty well covered. I would just add that you should use a flashlight to look in the tank to check for rust (only an issue if it wasn't full).

As for exhaust, I know for a fact that Leo Vince and Scorpion pipes do not require any other mods. Not sure about other brands, but my guess is none require PC, though from all the reading I've done it sounds like PC can be beneficial regardless of exhaust type.

I have Leo Vince on mine with no other performance mods and it runs perfectly.
SPC O'Ryan take your time getting back into riding, I have lost aleast 1 soldier on a motorcycle after each of our last three deployments. Welcome home glad your back brother.
Welcome back, both to the USA and the forums! And thank you for your service!

Did you put Stabil or anything in the gas tank before leaving? If not, inspect the tank and fuel line as was suggested, and I would also just drain the tank if nothing was added, and add fresh gasoline. Next, take a peak at your oil via the dipstick, and make sure it doesn't look all nasty. If it looks OK, then move onto the battery. Did you unplug it before leaving? If not, it's probably dead. It might charge back up and work fine, but it may be easier to just junk it and get a new one. That's up to you. If all seems fine, then take it on a good, long, mellow ride. At least one hour. The idea is to get the oil up to temperature, and get all the moisture out of the engine/burned off, and let the oil do it's job. Afterwards, I recommend doing an oil change. Oh, and don't forget to thoroughly inspect the tires too! I'm sure the pressures are way off, and they *might* have developed some minor flat spots from sitting so long.

Just take it easy, and ride safe!
Welcome back. Thanks for serving.

The only thing I would add, is to change out your brake fluid. Front and rear. Get a new bottle, and replace all the fluid, or have the shop do it for you.

Be safe, and come up to speed slowly. Alcohol and wheels do not mix well at all. Respect that, and ride well.
If I left my bike for a year without touching it I would just let it run for like 15 minutes or so and just clean the hell out of it including chain, etc. Then I would just go for a ride.

But I don't know anything about anything, so....yeah. Lol. But I leave her sitting for up to 6-7 months sometimes due to our crazy long winters here. When spring comes around I never do anything special.

But I do start her up once a month in the garage during the winter and do the fuel stabilizer thing.
Lots of good stuff here. I'm in the same situation and was pretty much just thinking of doing a full "PMCS" on it before I took it out. Change out fluids, check lines, lube, and give her a well deserved bath. (I find it is easy to inspect when you are cleaning everything.)

Also I would like to say welcome home. :)
I deploy to Afgan in about six months, so looks like we are on opposite rotations :) I should start a thread about what to do for my baby before i put her in storage for a year. Most importantly welcome back bro.