First time down


Junior Member
Jun 30, 2008
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There are two types of riders...
Those who've been down, and those going down.

Been down...
I was lucky enough that it was at a slower speed, less than 40mph.

coming out of a right turn, I was changing lanes to the left lane and shifted on a manhole...the little extra torque let my rear tire slide right out from under me. It was a really muggy night, and there was a little condensation on the manhole cover. I laid it down on the left side and it slid about 15-20 yards...
No real damage to the bike...a little grinding on the clutch lever, the left point of the front ground down about a 3/4 an inch, and the left rear passenger peg has a little grinding...a little grinding on the case where it says yamaha...i'll need to use some high heat paint on that today or tomorrow... My left knee has one spot of road rash where my jeans tore through. my joe rocket mesh jacket has nothing on it, but my icon reflective orange vest has small holes where i slid on my sunglasses that were in the inside pocket. I broke my sunglasses...biggest
That sucks man, yeah manhole covers and painted lines are slick as ice when they're wet. Glad to hear you where able to ride away. Live and learn :thumbup:
Glad to hear everything is alright

I was riding the other night with my girlfriend on the back and it was drizzling.
I went to stop at a light and my back tire was on one of those huge white arrows painted on the street indicating a turning lane. The tire slide all the way across it but luckily i was only going about 10 mph so I was able to stick it. She wasn't very happy (girlfriend)

Sorry for your loss (sun glasses) :Flash:
Good thing you weren't hurt....almost had the same type of accident today over a wet cement patch on the side of the road.
I thought I was invincible too. I went down on a steep SF cable car hill because grading/pavement between the two lanes going my direction suddenly changed as I entered a new block. While changing---er, trying to---lanes, by front wheel slid out from underneath me. I got a little scuff on the side of casing also. You know what? You probably don't even need high heat for the casing flat (or "matt") black spray. You didn't mention frame sliders. You no have any? If so, you're more lucky than you know!
Glad your ok man.

Add wet railroad tracks to the list of things to watch out for.

I slid the rear out, but kept on the gas and it came back saturday.
Sorry to hear about your spill. But happy to hear that you're ok and that there was minimal overall damage.


Just curious, how many miles did you have on the bike? Or how many miles do you have logged as far as experience? There is also a saying that the average rider who crashes has less than 3000 miles logged. Thanks for posting, reminding all of us the hazards of manhole covers when wet. Glad you were able to walk away. But maybe nextime, think about wearing some riding pants instead of jeans to compliment your riding jacket.
yeah good here you wernt hurt

i was going down a gravel drive way hit a patch of lose gravel and my bike slid out from undear me scratched up the right side of the the front faring, right side of the motor and the right back side faring $500 to fix it with discount at a dealership
Just curious, how many miles did you have on the bike? Or how many miles do you have logged as far as experience? There is also a saying that the average rider who crashes has less than 3000 miles logged.

I just passed 3500 miles.

The stars might lie, but the numbers never do.
What I really love about this group is that other riders are willing to share thier experiences. I actually read this and the "Sharing of lessons learned"
at this site All Things Motorcycle.
I've learned a great deal from you(s).