Finally Winter

FZ6 Tas

Junior Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Hobart, Tasmania
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This was the view from one of my deliveries this morning looking over the derwent river at Mount Wellington. Just thought I would show the Aussie boys what it's like to have snow on your doorstep, and the ex Tasmanians among you who probably miss this view but not the temperature. It got down to -2 on the Mt last night and it's 5 degrees celcius where I am right now. I think it's time to cover up the bike for a couple of months.
This was the view from one of my deliveries this morning looking over the derwent river at Mount Wellington. Just thought I would show the Aussie boys what it's like to have snow on your doorstep, and the ex Tasmanians among you who probably miss this view but not the temperature. It got down to -2 on the Mt last night and it's 5 degrees celcius where I am right now. I think it's time to cover up the bike for a couple of months.

thanks for the pic, your in probably one of the few places in Australia where a true 12 month riding season doesnt happen.....that's cold, way colder than the crap we have all been complaining about in the last few weeks.

thanks for the pic, your in probably one of the few places in Australia where a true 12 month riding season doesnt happen.....that's cold, way colder than the crap we have all been complaining about in the last few weeks.


I'd still ride if I wasn't such a girl. It just so happens that the best riding roads are up high where there is lots of ice and to cover the ice they throw down very fine gravel. Not the best combination for a motorcycle.

I'll still do the odd commute on it, and being Tasmania, mother nature will throw in a sunny day of 18 degrees here and there just to confuse us. If the snow is still there this weekend I plan on taking the kids up to play, I say it every year but I will this time. For God Sakes it's only a hour drive from my place to the very top and that's on a bad day.

Oh and I forgot to mention, last November I did a jog/walk from the Wrest Point Casino to the very top of that mountain. About 22 kilometres all up hill. Did it in 3 and a half hours. I think at the top you are about 1400 metres above sea level, I remember looking back down and shedding a tear when I was done, it really put things into perspective. Done it for a bet - stupid man. You do however get a free beer after it. YAY!!
You jogged up that mountain !


I jogged about 4 or 5 km, the rest was a brisk walk. Jogged from the casino for a few km at the start and then the last couple of km felt better when I started jogging cause you use different muscles and the ones I had been using were shot. Other than the muscle pain for a week and the blisters it was all good. Doing it again this year.
The African dude that won the race done it in 1:28.30 which I can't even contemplate.
Here on the mainland we aren't slowed down avoiding all the horses and carts though, so the temperature is actually much lower since we are going alot faster :D

Nice pic btw!
I am by no means fit but I did train for 3 months prior to doing it, lost 15 kilos and then went back to the old lifestyle again and managed to put an extra 5 on top of what I originally was. It's really easy to do, just a little bit more every day and you just end up where you want to be, only problem is 1 day off can put you back to the start.
Here on the mainland we aren't slowed down avoiding all the horses and carts though, so the temperature is actually much lower since we are going alot faster :D

Nice pic btw!

Yeah I had just sadled up and realised what a great photo op it was. 15 minutes later with my head under the black cover behind the camera and a puff of smoke she was done. Took her home and added the colour and Bob's your uncle. Hope I find something just as worthy tomorrow on my way to the blacksmith for new shoes, that's if I ever get my long john's dry in this weather.
Ahh well my humour is generally pretty biting, but it keeps the missus on her toes.