FAZR6 Fender Eliminator


Junior Member
Oct 10, 2008
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Hey all,

I have read some good things about this product, I have sent him a personal message, does anyone know if he still sells this?

Or if anyone has one they want to sell?
I also just ordered one. I'm a little slow to the party on a FE (3 years...) but better late than never right? :thumbup:
Ordered one too, just got it yesterday thanks for the tip Boneman it is the FAZR6 fender, it states that on the instructions when you get it.
The plate that is used to secure the eliminator to the bike just got week over time and snapped on me...

i'v got a pic somewhere, and will post it up...
You can see the plate that us used to secure the kit to the bike... I noticed it had snapped like 2/3 of the way accross whilst i was cleaning it, and was in the process of ordering a new one.

I went over a bump a bit to quickly one morning in a hurry and it snpped right off, grinded against the rear tyre and also broke my number plate light..

I managed to secure it back to the bike using wire ties, but this still got us a £30 fine by London's finest [for having a ‘Obscured Registration Mark’]. The bit that holds the registration plate, must to touched my rear tyre at speed and bent all the way back, making it un-readable - ,did not help me having a small Reg plate either.

Even though i had explained to him what had happened, and had pictures as proof, he still have us a fixed fine - a right tosser he was…

Oh well, live and learn... have fun, it makes the rear end look cool.


Hardly sounds like a fair price for something you can fabricate yourself for under 10$, in less than an hour.

Most of the people around here don't have a sheet metal brake and the proper tools to cut the correct cut-outs for the signals.

I agree that it's simply a piece of folded aluminum, but it's well done and it works with the stock turn signals. I bought one and am quite happy with it.

That's actually my FZ6 in the ad with the before/after pictures. I was one of the early buyers and took those pictures for the sb.net forum. Somehow they ended up in the eBay ad, but now my FZ6 is famous. :)

Hardly sounds like a fair price for something you can fabricate yourself for under 10$, in less than an hour.

I think that's an unfair statement what you are missing out when you put a figure of a $10.00 costing is the time you would spend scratching your head to figure out your blank size & hole centres then you need to run about purchasing the material, paint & hole saws find some means of cutting, profiling, & folding the material all being well you will get it right first time if not you will have to go full circle & maybe get it right the second time I don't think it is a steal but it certainly is not the most expensive you can buy on the net.
thebikergeek - I had both of em imported... The first time i was lucky and did not get stung by Customs. The second time around, i had to pay a charge, not sure how much now - about £12, i think - HTH.

Hi Boneman.Like many here,I'm new to this site & a new FZ-6 owner as well [ 2009,blue,still stock]. I clicked on the e-bay link to look at this Fender eliminator kit. I had my reading galasse on & I'll be darned if I can see any more than just an inch or so of differance from stock [ judging by the sellers before & after pix ].Am I missing something ? We all love our FZ's partly or alot because of their "naked" look.Like women,the nakeder ,the better.Is there a better pix of this or am I just going blind ? Thanks.