
:rof: nice! Thanks for sharing... that bike reminds me of lots of good memories (and a couple of bad ones too lol)...

hmmm is it me or do I look fat on this pic... I must have had my camera stuck in my jacket or something :D ;)

Cali_Rider and I did Idyllwild and Palomar yesterday (350-400 mile day) and we saw at least 3 FZ6s out there... anyone from here? i remember specifically a grey '05 on PCH between Sunset Beach and Seal Beach...

BTW, Palomar rocks... it's way too short going down the technical side, but man I love that mountain!
just found this photo taken on Palomar yesterday:


I guess he missed you John! can`t find your pic...
so let me tell you about a short story about a boy who was destined for the FZ6

It was Sunday, February 10, 2008 at exactly 10:35am (I know this because a photo was shot that exact moment and jpg files retain these infos). It was a beautiful day without a single cloud in the sky. A friend of mine called and said he wanted to go sight seeing the nicer side of the los angeles area since he had just moved here. I thought of only one place, and we headed straight for glendora mountain road. I only had a car back then. I never had any desires for a bike.

Driving the twisty roads with a beautiful scenery is such a rejuvenating feeling. The air was crisp and cool, the highest peak was frosted with snow, and the sky was as blue as the deepest ocean. It was a perfect day for driving. Little did I know it was perfect day for riding... I pulled over halfway up the mountain to soak in the scenery. In the distance, I heard the musical notes of a bike carving the road. At a whim, i broke out my Canon 20D and prepared to capture the this lone rider. As he made his way into my sight, I managed to snap only one photo. He was cloaked in black as well as his ride. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. And it stuck with me in my sub conscious since it was only days later had I forgotten what I had witnessed.

It was late June when I had decided I wanted a bike. Gas prices at the time were ridiculously high, which was the catalyst for my decision. And in mid July, I found my baby, a Blue '04 FZ6 for $3200. It wasn't until August I found my way to this website, which btw is a godsend with a plethora of great information.

now fast forward to today. I was cleaning and organizing all of my picture files and happened to see that photo I took over half a year ago. It reminded just how beautiful a bike can be. And i know what you guys are thinking, it probably was a FZ6 that I took a photo of. Yes it was. That's why I believe sub consciously bought an FZ6. But here's the kicker..... check out the photo of the bike and you tell me, was this fate? was I destined for an FZ6 or did God send THIS MAN(name withheld to elevate the climax) to influence my life?

That is awesome. The whole time as soon as you said he was cloaked in all black as was his bike that was the first thing that came to my mind was Wavex. I seen a pic on this site some where of him and his bike you must see. He is coming around a curve he has all black on as the bike and that alien looking light set up with a helment cam on his helment. It reminded me of something bad arse you see in a movie. That image is stuck in my mind. I hope to get a similar setup sometime.
:rof: nice! Thanks for sharing... that bike reminds me of lots of good memories (and a couple of bad ones too lol)...

hmmm is it me or do I look fat on this pic... I must have had my camera stuck in my jacket or something :D ;)

Cali_Rider and I did Idyllwild and Palomar yesterday (350-400 mile day) and we saw at least 3 FZ6s out there... anyone from here? i remember specifically a grey '05 on PCH between Sunset Beach and Seal Beach...

BTW, Palomar rocks... it's way too short going down the technical side, but man I love that mountain!
About the fat part. I thought it looked weird also. It does seem your upper body is out of proportion with your legs and arms. It could had been the wind maybe also going into your coat making it look inflated. lol
hmmm is it me or do I look fat on this pic... I must have had my camera stuck in my jacket or something :D ;)

LOL.....that's why, at first, I didn't think it was you! Danny and I were having a debate.....I had to go and watch your videos on youtube to make sure it was you. :D

yeah yeah.....I should've known just by the bike.
That is awesome. The whole time as soon as you said he was cloaked in all black as was his bike that was the first thing that came to my mind was Wavex. I seen a pic on this site some where of him and his bike you must see. He is coming around a curve he has all black on as the bike and that alien looking light set up with a helment cam on his helment. It reminded me of something bad arse you see in a movie. That image is stuck in my mind. I hope to get a similar setup sometime.

Thanks man! I feel honored by this whole thread :rockon:

You must be talking about this pic & bike, which is still my favorite FZ!


Great story.., David, mb it's true what they say, camera adds a few pounds? :rof:

That and the fact that I usually carry half my house in my jacket inside pockets lol

jsteinb95 said:
LOL.....that's why, at first, I didn't think it was you! Danny and I were having a debate.....I had to go and watch your videos on youtube to make sure it was you.

yeah yeah.....I should've known just by the bike.


that`s it, next time I ride I`ll empty my jacket... no more pack of cig, mp3 player, camera, knife, wallet, chewing guns, keys, paper towels, lighters, pens, cellphone, ear plugs, GPS.... etc.... I want to look thin when I ride! :cheer: lol

that`s it, next time I ride I`ll empty my jacket... no more pack of cig, mp3 player, camera, knife, wallet, chewing guns, keys, paper towels, lighters, pens, cellphone, ear plugs, GPS.... etc.... I want to look thin when I ride! :cheer: lol

You put all that sh*t your pockets????????? :eek: What are chewing guns? lol
yeah I have big internal pockets in my jacket... and I like to stuff them with **** heheh

That`s my chewing gun:

That and the fact that I usually carry half my house in my jacket inside pockets lol


that`s it, next time I ride I`ll empty my jacket... no more pack of cig, mp3 player, camera, knife, wallet, chewing guns, keys, paper towels, lighters, pens, cellphone, ear plugs, GPS.... etc.... I want to look thin when I ride! :cheer: lol

I got tired of carrying all that stuff in my jacket as well... I got a tank bag and is freaking awesome!!

Great pics though!!!
That and the fact that I usually carry half my house in my jacket inside pockets lol


that`s it, next time I ride I`ll empty my jacket... no more pack of cig, mp3 player, camera, knife, wallet, chewing guns, keys, paper towels, lighters, pens, cellphone, ear plugs, GPS.... etc.... I want to look thin when I ride! :cheer: lol

lol you're like a woman with out a purse! :D
ummmm....so you chew on it when you're stressed out or what? LOL

No I shoot pieces of gum to cagers that drive like a-holes :D

casual_lee said:
lol you're like a woman with out a purse!

:Flip: but yeah... I know :D

So now I have this little bag that fits on the passenger seat:


It can hold quite a lot!:rockon:
No I shoot pieces of gum to cagers that drive like a-holes :D

:Flip: but yeah... I know :D

So now I have this little bag that fits on the passenger seat:


It can hold quite a lot!:rockon:

I like that tail bag....would be interested to know how it mounts and if you think it would work well on the FZ6.