

Junior Member
Aug 4, 2008
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so let me tell you about a short story about a boy who was destined for the FZ6

It was Sunday, February 10, 2008 at exactly 10:35am (I know this because a photo was shot that exact moment and jpg files retain these infos). It was a beautiful day without a single cloud in the sky. A friend of mine called and said he wanted to go sight seeing the nicer side of the los angeles area since he had just moved here. I thought of only one place, and we headed straight for glendora mountain road. I only had a car back then. I never had any desires for a bike.

Driving the twisty roads with a beautiful scenery is such a rejuvenating feeling. The air was crisp and cool, the highest peak was frosted with snow, and the sky was as blue as the deepest ocean. It was a perfect day for driving. Little did I know it was perfect day for riding... I pulled over halfway up the mountain to soak in the scenery. In the distance, I heard the musical notes of a bike carving the road. At a whim, i broke out my Canon 20D and prepared to capture the this lone rider. As he made his way into my sight, I managed to snap only one photo. He was cloaked in black as well as his ride. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. And it stuck with me in my sub conscious since it was only days later had I forgotten what I had witnessed.

It was late June when I had decided I wanted a bike. Gas prices at the time were ridiculously high, which was the catalyst for my decision. And in mid July, I found my baby, a Blue '04 FZ6 for $3200. It wasn't until August I found my way to this website, which btw is a godsend with a plethora of great information.

now fast forward to today. I was cleaning and organizing all of my picture files and happened to see that photo I took over half a year ago. It reminded just how beautiful a bike can be. And i know what you guys are thinking, it probably was a FZ6 that I took a photo of. Yes it was. That's why I believe sub consciously bought an FZ6. But here's the kicker..... check out the photo of the bike and you tell me, was this fate? was I destined for an FZ6 or did God send THIS MAN(name withheld to elevate the climax) to influence my life?



The Toy Lady
Elite Member
Nov 13, 2007
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very cool story.....
everything happens for a reason, sometimes we know what it is & sometimes we don't. Glad you figured it out!?!