Fastest Indian...

See its a common thought that all guys think 'getting some' is an amazing acheivement despite the circumstances and need to talk about it ad nauseum (sp) but as with everything it depends on the individual, I know its not something I or my group of friends discuss, its something private.
That being said if you saw a mirror movie, about guys being the way those woman are you'd have every organisation from equality, respect to woman and not spreading STD's up in arms about responsibility.
I mean from my perspective at least it doesn't even present woman in a way that could be considered responsible, respectful or as a good example to younger women.
The fashion also must be some kind of toilet/dumpster joke as well.
I haven't seen the movies, but my sister watches the show all day, and its really sad the topics covered.

This being said I'm probably biased since I think they are a bunch of ugly selfish moles in the show.

Again thought it all depends on your perspective, someone who sleeps around regardless of sex isn't exactly a rolemodel or something I find all that tasteful, even tho I have some friends who do.
I love all things Austrailia. The customers i have from OZ are just the best ever. I like New Zealand too....and wish i would have visited before i got too old now. I gotta say...the movie was great.....but that bike needs better than an hardware store. Should be in the Smithsonian museum or the Austrailian equivilant of it. Bert was a bad ass...and i admire the hell out of him.
Tell me , is it as good a sleeping movie as Titanic ??? :D My Daughter has stupid Twilight going in the background right now :shakehead:

Geez Humpy, that's a tough call...Titanic wins, but only because it goes for longer, which means an even longer sleep!!!

Stupid Twilight? :spank:

Your daughter has good taste..... ;)

Ya know your never gonna win this arguement with a bunch of blokes! Remember, Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars!!!

But this movie is different, it's not a complete "Boys" movie, it's also a good natured life story of sorts, about an amazing person, who just happened to put their talents to motorbikes...

Bah! Nonsense!

We all this know this is the fastest Indian:

(Look at the other poor soul trying in vain to keep up to this juggernaut of a man)

Ok, Mike sulked for the last 3 nights, so I finally agreed to watch the Worlds Fastest Indian last night.

Sorry - it was crap.

The only good bit was when he finally did his 200mph run at Bonneville. And reading the credits at the end stating about his 9 other subsequent visits.

The acting was awful from everyone (A Hopkins did ok, but the accent annoyed me - did sound just like a South Islander though :D). Just didn't dig it. :(

Now, roll on Twilight: Eclipse :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Oh, and my girlfriend is dragging me to see SATC 2 next week - I'm sure all you guys want a review of that ;)
Ok, Mike sulked for the last 3 nights, so I finally agreed to watch the Worlds Fastest Indian last night.

Sorry - it was crap.

The only good bit was when he finally did his 200mph run at Bonneville. And reading the credits at the end stating about his 9 other subsequent visits.

The acting was awful from everyone (A Hopkins did ok, but the accent annoyed me - did sound just like a South Islander though :D). Just didn't dig it.

Now, roll on Twilight: Eclipse :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Oh, and my girlfriend is dragging me to see SATC 2 next week - I'm sure all you guys want a review of that ;)

:shakehead: The opening in surround :eek: :confused: nope didnt do it for you , nope , nup , zip , nadah ??? :(... Its Epic.......... As for SATC 2 , i'll pass , Kel is there watching it right now , last one was a great sleep so this one cant be any worse :D
just finished watching this movie. quite possibly my new favorite movie. i watched it planning to clear a little space off the dvr. not tonight. guess i'll need to get it on dvd.
I love that movie ive only sceen it once and let someone borrow the dvd but for the life of me cant remember who and would love to watch it again....I think my favorite part would be where he drops one of his nitro pills in the tank :D "one for me and one for you" gotta love it..... I will also add that along with this movie imo the long way down and the long way around are the 3 best motorcycle movies ever produced

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