Facebook friends

Thanks for all of the responses/opinions.

I mostly have family, classmates and current friends. I've been thinking about adding a few people from the forum that I really, really, really, really like LOL, but didn't want to make them feel obligated if I sent a friend request, and they don't want to accept. I guess I'm kinda on the fence with this one. I agree with all of you! :D

I have friends, family, classmates and some people from the forums I belong to. I do have them separated into three lists.... Family, Classmates and Friends. Some belong to two lists and a few are in all three lists. :D

If you'd like to add me, please add by email addy: toyohtadude (AT) gmail (dot) com and include a personal note stating who you are on the forum please? Thanks!
Am I in your family list? LOL ;););)
Only family and friends that I know in person. With one exception ;)

:eek: aww garsh....

That's right.....I'M SPECIAL!!!! :cheer:
It will be an honor to befriend such wonderfull people. :thumbup:

awww :disapprove: bummer......WRONG answer!!!

Your answer should've been,"Most definitely just YOU, almighty Forum Queen!!! :bow: "

Mostly family and close friends I have lost touch with. Some old classmates I havem't seen in years because it's nice to see what they've been doing. FZ^-forum has a group for those of you that haven't seen it, but I spend so much time reading here, I don't see much of the group on FB.
Am I in your family list? LOL ;););)

:eek: aww garsh....

That's right.....I'M SPECIAL!!!! :cheer:

J, you are in the Friend's list and you should know, that list isn't very big! It's for the same reason as Travis... you ARE special!
J, you are in the Friend's list and you should know, that list isn't very big! It's for the same reason as Travis... you ARE special!

:eek: That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

THANKS! :hug:
I try to keep mine down to people I know well. I do have some freinds of mine on FB that I ride with from a local club but thats really as far out as I get with the FaceBook
Never got into the FB thing. Main purpose of me joining into internet groups is to learn something new and I don't know if FB would give me that. Yeah, I know, strange. :don'tknow:

Your answer should've been,"Most definitely just YOU, almighty Forum Queen!!!"

Oh... I think everybody worships the forum queen here so you shouldn't worry. :bow:

I mainly use FB as a way to keep in touch with friends/family that are further away. FB can be easier than sending mass emails to keep people informed. It can also be a hindrance, as some people have to post on their wall every 10 minutes, and can get pretty annoying.

I really would not mind adding Forum members, nor would I have a problem rejecting Forum members. Everyone here is really laid back and easy to deal with, so I doubt any issues would arise from adding/deleting Forum members on FB. On the other hand, Fb can be a neat way to see into peoples lives.
Engaging customers on social media (Facebook, Twitter) is part of my job, so I've got a personal Facebook that I try to keep separate, and one twitter account that blurs the line a bit. My rule for Facebook is to only add people whose acquaintance to me goes beyond the typical internet acquaintance. Someone with whom I might actually want to tell about my weekend, or show pictures of my friends and family. Generally this limits my friends to old friends from my youth, family, coworkers past and present, and maybe about 50 or so people online who I'm comfortable having on there. Even of those 50, I've probably met about 40 face to face at various events through the years.

If anyone here has a twitter, I'm at KP (KPaul) on Twitter if you're interested. :)
I only have one person I've never met in real life on there, and he and I have been very good friends for years. He knows as much about me as any of my family does.

Other than that, it's family and friends. I wouldn't mind having Forum members as friends either, but I don't think we'd truthfully talk too much, or at least enough to have it make any difference, especially because I haven't been on here long enough to make any friends yet. Y'know? =)
Most of my friends are family and friends from current work, past work and college - with a few high school friends added in.

Ok Brenda - you better friend me now. :Flash: I'll send you a note.

I would definitely welcome forum member friends - I find myself going to FB more often than not just to keep up with what my buddies are doing.

Send me a note if you want my FB name. The more the merrier! :D