F***king bit while riding...

Dude, that sucks! Hope you're o.k. It's bad enough when we have to worry about cagers, but dogs!? :Flip:
I will have to wait till tomorrow to go to my local doctor. I am on antibiotics already for my ear infection. I cleaned/dressed the wound, put some triple antibiotic creme on it too.
Hey man, good choice on getting it all checked out asap. If you do get more antibiotics you will want to make sure to complete it too.
I have been there too with a dog attack......on my 50cc Vespa!! yeah, there is no getting away there. lol Learn from the situation and consider yourself a smarter rider. Get well soon!

I read up on how to handle that type of situation, and didn't think I would ever have to try it, and sure enough the very next week it happened...The speeding up at the last second gets you out of trouble...

What kind of dog???
My Ridgeback bit me through my leathers when I came through the back door and surprised him.
Still had my crash helmet on with the black visor down.
Felt like my arm was being crushed in a vice.14 stitches later,I always take my lid off before I come in....;)
My Ridgeback bit me through my leathers when I came through the back door and surprised him.
Still had my crash helmet on with the black visor down.
Felt like my arm was being crushed in a vice.14 stitches later,I always take my lid off before I come in....;)

Sounds like loyalty is based on looks. . . . :( lol that's too bad but it makes sense.

Don't get me wrong, my dog is here beside me now. Just like that, she stood her ground as my friend stood at the door to come in so we could go get my new bike today. But man is she loyal to the ones she loves. . .
Worlds most loving dog,but he hates anyone coming in the house or grounds.
My missus nearly copped it once,when she came downstairs with my hoody on,pulled up around her face.
Certain breeds are fiercely territorial,so I guess that may have been the reason Geoff got done.Gilberts territory includes the whole of the gardens as well.
Holy crap :eek: & we though Kazza getting stung by a bee at 80kph in Tassie was bad enough..... That'll teach you to call the bike Fiona :D

Seriously though I hope it heals OK & nothing nasty comes of it :thumbup:
Stebel works well too. There is a house 2 houses down from my girlfriends parents house and a farm down a little farther. The house has 3 german shepards. They are always loose and run in the road and chase people etc. Well one day last summer the farm down the road has a guy that works for him that rides a bicycle. So anyway one of the german shepards runs at him barking etc. We happen to be out in the driveway and I'm standing next to my bike. The guy gets close and the shepard gets close turn the key on and hit the horn button stopped that dog in its tracks and it ran back to the house. long story short they were drug dealers and now have a nice comfy cell but. The stebel does work for dogs too as well as tractor trailers.....
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That same leg he bit could have also loosened his teeth up pretty good had you stuck it out and kicked him ! :BLAA: I've sent 3 of em barrel rolling myself trying to bite me ! :rockon: :D
So im healing quite quickly, some yellow bruising occurring and cleared of any infections thus far. My doctor was shocked that i came in twice in the same month. Usually I am only coming in once a year. Anyway thinking about investing in some new riding gear such as the leggings, was curious do they fit accurately like jeans for those that have them.
Holy crap :eek: & we though Kazza getting stung by a bee at 80kph in Tassie was bad enough..... That'll teach you to call the bike Fiona :D

Seriously though I hope it heals OK & nothing nasty comes of it :thumbup:

It was over 100kph AND I still have a mark on my neck. Pay back for eating honey?.....

Geoff, glad you are healing. What did the owners say?

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It was over 100kph AND I still have a mark on my neck. Pay back for eating honey?.....

Geoff, glad you are healing. What did the owners say?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I got stung last year and rode with the stinger and gland pumping away in my neck for about 14 miles. We stopped and scraped it off but it was too late. In one day I was so swollen I looked like I had a big goiter. Terrible! Everytime Lisa would look at me she'd bust up laughing :rof: I thought I would have to have cosmetic surgery to return my neck to normal!
I've been stung 4 times in one day riding with my son. He kept thinking I was goofing on him after the 3rd sting and said, "Dad lets go home" Hahaha. I said Oh no son. It was our first ride together. Man I swelled up!! :rof:

It's the honey bees that bother me. Wasps and hornets, no problem. I heard more people die from bee stings than any other poison bite.

Sorry for Jackin the thread :spank::ban:
Yeah I remeber it being covered in the MFC BRC and thinking iy would be funny... It stops being funny with this post and with the experience I had.

Was riding with two friends last season and I saw a little dog pop out on my friend and then it turned for me as i was coming up. I move to avoid it with the slow down speed up thing and another small dog pops out from the other side! Don't know how I didn't hit them but I did. Sorry you weren't as lucky
I personally train my dogs to attack anyone on a 50 feet radius.
They are violently hostile, aggressive in temperament and marked by great physical power.
No one, not even on a Hayabusa will scape from my beasts.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZoA0tNjCm0]YouTube - Pair of rats exercising[/ame]

Feel better.