Dumbest/Craziest thing anyone has yelled at you while riding


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Jun 18, 2012
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People seem to LOVE to tell me what they think with gestures and words while riding...some nice things, some not so nice and then some odd things.

Other night I had some dad(kids and wife in the car) yell to me "I would have been at fault, but you would have been dead"

WTF? Guy was about to change lanes into me, so I gunned it sensing it coming and right as I hit the throttle he signaled and I zoomed past. I guess he wanted me to slow down and kiss his bumper? I didnt feel that I did anything wrong, I got into the turning lane at the proper time signaled etc etc, he did not(crossed solid lines). I didint even bother to respond I just glared. and resisted :Flip: I suppose I could have braked instead of throttle....but seriously id rather get a head than behind and personally didnt think the guy was going to hit me unless I did nothing.

Almost as good as passing someone and them flipping you off at the next light. I feel like people are more aggressive towards bikers than they are to me in my car. Other than maybe a little speeding try to not(and rarely do) break any laws.

So just curious, what reactions and or things have people done towards you out there?
My best so far was on the way into work one morning a lady started to come into my lane from the left when I was about even with her passenger side door (where I had been since we were stopped at the light a few hundred feet back). I honked at her and she gave ME the finger! I guess that signal she had on meant she now had the right of way so I better get the f#$@ out of her way.
While splitting 15-20 mph in 0-5 mph stop n go traffic where it is not legal:

Several honks, some squeezes, and one person yell that what I was doing was illegal.
Was riding with my dad and a co-worker of his when a semi about tried to run us off the road multiple times. he clearly saw us. how do i know: because the 3rd time, said co-worker and my dad (both of which have their CCW permit) pulled and he backed off. we were traveling and doing so at about 85-90mph so the truck was moving pretty good.

not really something being yelled at us, but definitely a gesture (both ways)
A few months ago I was riding to work and a Nissan pickup truck was in front of me. He was doing 30 in a 40 zone. We were approching my turn to the left and I signaled and moved to the turn lane. That's when this idiot decided he had to take the same left turn. No signal or nothing just cut's me off. Now of course I honk like theres no tomorrow only to have the guy get pissed off at me? He yells out his window at me to slow down it's not my private race track? He is going super slow by now and I pull up next to him and said WTF is your problem. Learn how to drive please. You just cut me off. You are going 10 mph slower than allowed and it's my fault? You are the Idiot here. I then proceeded to make him very small in my rear view mirror. It's scared the crap out of me. I got to work and was still shaking. :eek: Not much I can do on a motorcycle but get the hell out of his way. He was waiting the next day for me. I take a different way to work now due to this dumb ***.
I was in the left turning lane waiting at a red light. They changed our lights here so now straight is first and then the left turn signal. A bused pulled up beside me to wait at the red. He was going straight. I see the bus driver crane his head out the window and look appreciatively upon my ride. His envy was almost palatable as the signal light turned green. He was so transfixed that he didn't even move. I looked at him, pointed to the green light, and gave him a :thumbup: and he returned it with a polite nod. Nice encounter and not crazy.

I just replayed the situation in my head and maybe it wasn't the bike he was checking out, but me! :eek:
While splitting traffic approaching the Big Dig in Boston, I see a State Police squad car ~8 cars up. I move into the lane of traffic which happens to be moving faster than his. As I slowly approach the side of his car, when he leans out and says "I saw you splitting lanes back there... why'd you stop? Get on going again and ride safely!" Pretty awesome.
Late at night along the Las Vegas Strip, I had an unmarked police cruiser cut me off which required my corrective action to swerve so I blasted my horn and kept on it for a good five seconds while I zipped by to let him know that he messed up. I guess there was a marked police cruiser nearby and must have seen only part of what happened and just assumed that I was at fault so he lit me up. I pulled over and he just slowly drove on by while he got on his PA and said "Learn how to ride" LOL....
When I was on my pushy one day this lady just said ' nice arse' I was flattered

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People seem to LOVE to tell me what they think with gestures and words while riding...some nice things, some not so nice and then some odd things.

Other night I had some dad(kids and wife in the car) yell to me "I would have been at fault, but you would have been dead"

WTF? Guy was about to change lanes into me, so I gunned it sensing it coming and right as I hit the throttle he signaled and I zoomed past. I guess he wanted me to slow down and kiss his bumper? I didnt feel that I did anything wrong, I got into the turning lane at the proper time signaled etc etc, he did not(crossed solid lines). I didint even bother to respond I just glared. and resisted :Flip: I suppose I could have braked instead of throttle....but seriously id rather get a head than behind and personally didnt think the guy was going to hit me unless I did nothing.

Almost as good as passing someone and them flipping you off at the next light. I feel like people are more aggressive towards bikers than they are to me in my car. Other than maybe a little speeding try to not(and rarely do) break any laws.

So just curious, what reactions and or things have people done towards you out there?

He almost hit you because he wasn't paying attention, then wanted to yell at YOU for him almost hitting you?

I don't blame you, I'd want to GTF away from a moron like that ASAP, only a matter of time before he kills someone due to his inability to drive.

Otherwise... I'm usually the one doing the yelling, and if I'm not, I just laugh it off. If I am, I'm usually trying to resist the urge to pull some moron out their window and use my helmet as a makeshift blunt weapon. It should be legal to almost kill drivers whose moronic actions almost kill you. :cheer:
Back when I had my EX250 (stripped down into a streetfighter) I was riding it around the small downtown where I went to school and had someone sarcastically yell "Nice moped!" Being about 6'3" I can understand what he was getting at...sometimes the riding position felt more like I was on a scooter!

So far nothing on the FZ6. The closest would be me stopping short of a red light to give the driver next to me the evil eye. He had sort of lazily merged into traffic and slowly cut me off. I saw it coming but after I had changed lanes and was passing him, I noticed he was yakking away on his phone, which really ticked me off. So he incurred the fully wrath of a several-second stare at a stop light :spank:
Here in London, much like say, NY - being a big city pretty much every ride is fraught with moron kami-kaze drivers interspersed with the professionals. It is VERY difficult to stop from hauling these idiots from their cages.

Fortunately I've had the good sense to shake'n'ride - move on. I like to believe that I achieve a Zen-like state under my lid.

Once had to pull up a guy with his family on board just after he cut me up bad when I had The Pillion with me. Threaten me? Fine. Don't mess with the VIP on the back! So I lifted my lid and said very politely with gritted teeth, "Just how big do I have to be before you see me?"
Driver visibly shrank. He knew what he'd done.

2 maxims have kept me out of too much harm. One from my dad when I was young. He said if you see a nutter/incompetent keep them in front where you can see them. You don't know what they're doing behind you.
On a bike we have the choice to get some distance ahead of course (only to come up behind yet another numpty!)

The second came from a biker. 'No good being in the right from your hospital bed' Sound, that one.;)

Is it me or do you feel some days that the collective consciousness has collapsed and EVERY car out there is trying to get you???
Here in London, much like say, NY - being a big city pretty much every ride is fraught with moron kami-kaze drivers interspersed with the professionals. It is VERY difficult to stop from hauling these idiots from their cages.

Fortunately I've had the good sense to shake'n'ride - move on. I like to believe that I achieve a Zen-like state under my lid.

Once had to pull up a guy with his family on board just after he cut me up bad when I had The Pillion with me. Threaten me? Fine. Don't mess with the VIP on the back! So I lifted my lid and said very politely with gritted teeth, "Just how big do I have to be before you see me?"
Driver visibly shrank. He knew what he'd done.

2 maxims have kept me out of too much harm. One from my dad when I was young. He said if you see a nutter/incompetent keep them in front where you can see them. You don't know what they're doing behind you.
On a bike we have the choice to get some distance ahead of course (only to come up behind yet another numpty!)

The second came from a biker. 'No good being in the right from your hospital bed' Sound, that one.;)

Is it me or do you feel some days that the collective consciousness has collapsed and EVERY car out there is trying to get you???

Truth. I ride like that all the time, like someone is trying to kill me. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.
Truth. I ride like that all the time, like someone is trying to kill me. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.

This is my favorite quote regarding that:

"Nearly everyone who has ridden a bike for any length of time will agree. The highways are crowded with people who drive as if their sole purpose in getting behind the wheel is to avenge every wrong ever done them by man, beast, or fate. The only thing that keeps them in line is their own fear of death, jail and lawsuits... which are much less likely if they can find a motorcycle to challenge, instead of another two-thousand-pound car or a concrete abutment. A motorcyclist has to drive as if everybody else on the road is out to kill him. A few of them are, and many of those who aren't are just as dangerous—because the only thing that can alter their careless, ingrained driving habits is a threat of punishment, either legal or physical, and there is nothing about a motorcycle to threaten any man in a car"

- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

Also, I've had some good ones in Boston. Had a cabby get pissed about something I did & come screaming up my lane with his head out the window hollering in broken english "You die! I no care! I no care if you die! You think I care you die?!" I try to wear the GoPro at all times even on mundane rides now. Really with I had that on film.
I've had a couple people express their dislike for my exhaust and how loud it is. Some rude some funny, my reaction just depends on how they are to begin with. 1st time I just said yea I know it's great ain't it! 2nd time everytime the guy tried to talk I blipped the throttle then yelled I'm sorry I can't hear you my exhaust is too loud! And hear recently I really upset this soccer mom trying to order pizza on her commute or what ever the hell she was trying to do on the phone so after she expressed her opinion very openly on loud bikes I said "I'm sorry you must be mistaken me for someone who gives a F***!!!"