Do you think tattoos on women are attractive?

Do you think tattoos on women are attractive?

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I have been wanting a tattoo for years, but "I'm not allowed to have one"

I just wanted to see what you men thought! :thumbup:
Ever heard of "tramp stamp"? Actually got that one from my high school boys. Small discrete tattos are ok for me but an arm full like the girl on Amercian Idol this year- no thanks.
"Not that their is anything wrong with that."
Tattoos are art! I think girls who try to express themselves with art is:


I'll assume you know how to get a tattoo job done right.

My only advice is to get a small one in a hidden spot. This way, you can decide how you feel with it. Get like a small butterfly on your ankle or something. Something small. Most people regret getting a tattoo after a while.

PLUS! You get to TEST THE INK. Make sure that artist is GOOD and CLEAN before getting a real one.
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To each his own but for me, I'm not keen on them at all. I have none myself. Wife has none. My daughter, as soon as she turned 18, ran out and got two and 3 more since. Most are hidden with daily clothes but two are not, a small one on her hand and one just above the wrist on the inside of her arm. I hate them.... really do. REALLY! But, not my choice. And, I don't share this hate about them with her. I just don't comment at all. Not my place.

Elm is right, most regret it in the future... I'm sure my daughter will at some point.
what were you thinking of getting and where.....does what you want have a special meaning to you? flaming all

I've always wanted a scorpion on my shoulder blade.....I don't like scorpions, but I like the look of them and I'm a scorpio. :D
It really is a matter of opinion to the tattooee and her spouse. I personally think when design and location are right, they can be quite beautiful on a woman. I'm biased by the way, my wife is inked (but tastefully)...

Be sure to get something that you will enjoy looking at in the mirror forever.
I think they make people, women or men, look low class. Tiny ones don't detract that much, but they all detract somewhat. Every time I see someone with one, my first thought is "I'll bet they'll be regretting that in 10 years."

Not to throw a huge splash of cold water on things, but I know of someone who contracted HIV from getting a tatoo. Needle wasn't sterilized from the previous customer. Young woman, I think she was 25ish. What a shame.

My dad used to work in a university, and he commented that several years ago that something like 75% of the students had tatoos. Whereas right now, having a tatoo would prevent you from getting certain types of jobs. Perhaps in 20 years, if you don't have one, you'll be the loner type that freaks eveyone out.
My personal opinion jstein : I dig chicks with tats! Yes, you gotta consider how ppl will respond to the ink (if its conspicuous) especially in a job setting or church or in parent/teacher conferences. But if it has some particular meaning to you and if you think that meaning will still be relevent to you in 20yrs, I say go for it.
Just my .02 but you threw it out there ;-P
btw I have no ink myself but think that will change someday. I just want it to mean something to me or at least be a cool design that will whether the test of time...
I think tattoos on women can be very attractive if they are of good quality and tastfully done.

personally i am tatted up myself. I currently have 13 tattoos. :rockon:
Three Dependancies..

Depends on the woman
Depends on the tattoo
Depends on the location

My sister has a 'piglet' tattoo in the small of her back - I think that's a bit stupid. If my wife wanted a little star or something on her foot or another place able to be hidden, I'd think it was quite cool.

She can't even stand giving a blood sample at the doctor though, so there is no chance she'll have one! I've got one on my arm.
I have a couple myself and so does my wife. All of ours can be easily hidden - important in work situations. A lot of people will judge you and put you in a certain 'box' in their mind if they know you have a tattoo (or piercing). Once they get to know you, you can reveal the tat and it won't have nearly the impact it would have if they saw it during their first impression.

Case in point - I used to have my tongue pierced. I had it in when I went for an interview for a job, but they didn't notice it at the time and I got the job. It was only about 2 months later that my boss finally saw it - he refused to believe that I had it then and said he probably wouldn't have hired me. I just keep everything hidden at first now.