Do you neglect your car?


Avid 4WD Hunter
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Sep 6, 2008
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South Australia
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I was out in the garage the other day and looked at my car. I stopped and I thought about it and for the life of me I couldn't remember the last time I had used it:don'tknow:. Thinking back I got to around the 1 month mark before I gave up and guesstimated. 5 weeks-ish:eek:. So I went and grabbed my keys and started her up to run for a while. Was lucky it started:steve:. I can remember a time where I didn't set foot in a car for 2 years:thumbup:. At this point I got to wondering. Am I strange?:don' Does anybody else do this? I hate getting in the car now again:shakehead:. I would rather put on a huge back pack for shopping than take my car. It only gets used for fishing trips now.
So who neglects their car? How long since you drove or got in a car as a passenger?
i neglect my car too.... i take it to the gym and thats all... so 3 times a week and the gym is maybe 3 miles away... i take it jsut to start it so it doesnt sit for to long... but yes i neglect the car... thats not a bad thing is it?
I neglect my car, not as in not driving it...

I drive it like i stole it!
Well....I neglect my car as in not washing it!

Up until a month ago, sportrider hadn't driven his truck in 5 months.
I bought a new Toyota pickup on 29 August. Will probably buy my second tank of gas for it this weekend.
The car has definitely taken a "back seat" to the bike as far as wash & wax and primo care. I'll hold out for as long as I can, but eventually we'll get some snow and they'll sand the streets. That will be my sign to winterize the bike.
I only drive my car when i am feeling lazy, or have to take the "tin lids" somewhere...i have a new car, so i am still in the "honeymoon period" re looking after it. But my last car was totally looked after like my first born, car treated like an outcast! Is the reason why i needeed to get a new car...old one was trashed....Lol! :rockon:
I loved my car and babied it like crazy until the bikes. Now I'm leaving my bikes in the garage while my car sits outside. The car still looks and runs fine, but it's not getting much use.

Living up here in MN though I have to admit that heated leather seats and a cupholder for a hot cup of coffee has more appeal than freezing my butt off on the FZ6. I use it to go to work then I immediately go home, gear up, ride.:rockon:
It's actually pretty sad. I used to spend so much time on my car and modding it. I think I bought one mod for it the whole summer, and put less than 1.5K on it (all camping/biking trips).
Not complaining, I love my bike and I fel trapped when I drive the car.
I bought my 2007 TRD Tacoma back in Oct. 2007 and it has just over 6000 miles on it. I got the '08 FZ6 on April 12th, 2008 and it has 5300 miles on it. I've only put about 700 of those truck miles on since I bought the bike so, yes, it does get neglected, but I try to drive it at least once a week for at least a 20 mile trip, and once a month, in 4WD, as specified by Toyota, to keep the front Dif lubed and operational.

But, because of winter here, it will soon be the FZ6 who is totally neglected as she is winterized and tethered to an electrical outlet until Spring 2009. The truck will get all the use for the winter.

Such is life here in New England. We cannot have it both ways. ;)
I neglect it & choose the bike anytime I'm driving by myself (8k miles this year). Of course, hauling the kids to soccer/volleyball/velodrome/etc keep the cage in service most evenings & weekends. I'll 2-up with the kids to/from school, but not in rush hour evening traffic or across Houston.

As for mods, yeah, the bike has picked up more in the past year than the SVT. Washing and waxing, however, has not been a problem. Since it sits in the garage, the car stays cleaner much longer!

And I can't blame neglecting the old corvette for the bike. I have only had the bike for a year, and the 'vette hasn't been driven in 3 years!
I'm kinda backwards, I got the bike to beat on and I keep the truck pristine. I did completely fill the fuel tank for the first time yesterday since I got the bike though.
I've been neglecting my car since the begining of summer. I start it occationaly and drive it every once in awhile but not very much. I've only put 700 miles on it in three months. And that's including a round trip of 250mi.
i really don't use my truck unless i gotta get something bigger or when its raining hard or something to that nature...its def. my back up vehicle to my bikes!
Meh, I have been hunting a local engine for my turbo thunderbird for 6 years now and haven't got one yet. The car just got a nice dry garage this July. So yeah, I have neglected "my car". My wife's car on the other hand, is the only one(of 2 cars) that we have that runs. Basically I am without a car until my wife's bonus gets here so we can get a farm truck.

Great question! Yes my Land Cruiser used to be the "other" love of my life. Now it sits for days and sometimes weeks at a time. I love the Fizz!
These pictures are why I use my car for fishing. I need it to carry my kayak, otherwise I'd get rid of it altogether:sinister:. I bought my bike in May and have 12000km on it At least it's not just me