different exhaust questions..

Well if the $900 pipe is titanium, there is weight saving, and generally you will find the more expensive pipes are constructed from higher grade materials, and have had more developmernt go into them...aint no substitute for quality in my book.
if you look at technical specs between like two brothers and scorpion there aint that much difference to worry about. If you are going to be running moto gp or arizona salt flats then it might make the difference between new record or not. I do not see the advantage of the more expensive over the cheaper for what 99% of us. But you dont want to go to chap then it might hinder you. I have friends that have two brothers and friends that have scorpion. They both look awesome in the carbon fiber both sound great, and both said they experienced hp gains, but not much hp gains. The friend with two brothers said he wishes he would have bought the scorpions now. That is what I am going to order this winter when I have the bike in storage.
The biggest difference is going to be looks and sound. Go with the ones that apeal to you the most.

im seem to have an issue when it comes to this, i have what my girlfriend calls a "problem", for instance, i would rather having nothing at all if i cant have the "best" (most expensive)...my question is...will the avg rider who never plans for competition on the fz6, be sacrificing real world performance by "skimping out" on the two brothers cans and "settling" for a less expensive product?
my question is...will the avg rider who never plans for competition on the fz6, be sacrificing real world performance by \"skimping out\" on the two brothers cans and \"settling\" for a less expensive product?

Not sure if I understand the logic behind your question, but are you implying 'most expensive' = 'best performance'? And since Two Bro are the most expensive therefore provide the best performance?
It's pretty much a given that with good aftermarket pipes (Leos, Two Bros, Scorpions, etc.), a PCIII w/proper map, and a better air filter you're going to get very, very similar results with respect to performance.

The real difference is appearance, and sound. And that's all a matter of personal preference, isn't it? You decide. It's your bike.
As has been said, just because an exhaust is more expensive than another, doesn't mean it's "the best". And, if you're like most of the folks on this list who are -- for the most part -- just wanting to personalize their bikes, as opposed to getting set to do battle with Rossi, then you'd be better off choosing a set of cans based on what looks and sounds best to YOU.

I don't know which brands, if any, use re-packable cans any more. But I'm really glad that scorpion doesn't. Been there and don't really want that hassle again.

Also, check out what folks have had to say about ease of installation. I'd shy away from cans that have a rep for not going together well.

And consider the notion of re-selling your bike. Yeah, if you plopped down a chunk of change for the most expensive exhaust, you might be able to use that as a selling point. But it's entirely possible that potential buyers won't know diddly about the different systems and so your expensive set of cans may not net any more in resale value than a less expensive system.

I'll cast a very positive vote for scorpion cans. I just installed their stainless units on my bike. The went on very easily, look and sound great. All for a very good price.

Best of luck making your choice.