Did you drop it on the left or right?

I dropped it on...

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Mar 2, 2009
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Highland, CA
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Statistically it should be even. However, I bet there is a rider issue that causes one to drop their beloved fizzer on one side more than the other.
So if you have dropped you bike, whether at slow speeds or not so slow speeds, vote.

If you have dropped it more than once, vote for the side you dropped it on the most.
There is no option for my category; I'm 50:50.

1st drop at 0mph in parking lot dumb b1tch cut me off- left side
2nd drop (lowside) at 35mph - right side
3rd drop at 0mph taking off from a stop and stalled it on a slant - left side
4th drop at 0mph coming down off the center stand at a gas station - right side.

The first two I chalk up to inexperience.

The last two are stupid mistakes that could probably have been avoided, but are partially due to my ubershort legs preventing my feet touch the ground when I need them to.

Funny story about the last one, it was just before a ride with DefyInertia at the gas station we were supposed to meet at. We had never met - it was our first ride together. AS the bike was going down (hadn't even hit the ground yet) I was thinking "perfect, DefyIntertia is going to show up right now, see me with the bike on the ground, and just keep going" LOL. Fortunately some nice guy helped me get the bike up and when DI showed up he was none the wiser...
does it count that i was nowhere around it? i came home from work one day and the ground had thawed and it sunk in and fell over onto its right side all by itself...
One drop on right, at the Point driveway in NC. You all that are going there well see why. LOL

One lowside crash on the right.

One drop on the left in my garage. No kickstand down, and the bike will just obey the law gravity right into the ground wether you want it to or not.
Haven't dropped the Fiz.
But I dropped my first bike on the left and right.
#1) 0 mph, a Suburban flew out of a parking spot, I freaked out and jammed the front brake with the wheel turned. Over it went. It was on my first week of riding.
#2) Rear brake lock-up into a left-hand turn. I held on it until the front wheel went off the road. Then I let go and it highsided onto the right. First month of riding.
I've not dropped my FZ yet (knock on wood) but I have dropped one or the other of my BMW's more than once, and it's almost always to the left while backing out or coming to a stop, from losing footing/foot going down into a depression. FZ is much easier to recover and save from this situation. Same as someone has already posted: short leg syndrome.
Once on/to both sides :mad: , in the driveway which has a very slight down hill incline. Forgot to apply the brake when straightening up with the clutch in :banghead: :spank: :D after having dismounted to open the garage door (dohhh). Now I have a death grip (do hydraulic lines rupture :confused: :D) pulling in the hand brake lever ANY time I get on the bike, regardless.
I have yet to drop the FZ, (also knock on wood!!) but I sure as hell almost did just about 20 minutes ago!

I was coming off a 180 degree turn and grab a little to much throttle on the exit. Luckily only my heart jumped that high, the front wheel came back down and the bike was fine. I think my long legs helped!
I almost dropped it on it's left side. I was on the right side moving it in the garage, but I was able to stop it about a foot from making contact and pulled it back up.:thumbup:
Both mine are because of inexperience. First time was on THE DAY I brought her home from the dealer (PISSED!!). I was leaving my neighborhood and came to a stop on a downword slope with my wheel slighty turned. I too suffer from short legs and it plopped over on the right. Thankfully only damage was a minor scrape on the bootom of the mirror and can't even see it. Second time was a week later at school when a cute girl waved at me while I was parking, I waved back and had to come to sudden stop cause was going to hit a car LOL and went down on the left side. No damage thanks to sliders. My pride was hurt though...very hurt...
I voted but it wasn't my FZ6 it was my ex500 I had last year. Right side, was backing up got into an uneven situation where my right foot had nothing but air and my bike had nothing but ground. Looked something like this...

:Sport: ....... :confused: ........ :eek: ...... :( ...... :don'tknow: ... :banghead:
Yeah... That makes you back so happy.

I watched a few of those videos on youtube that show you how to pick up a dropped bike just for the heck of it. I figured I'd probably never need to do it. It's a good thing because the bike was heavier than I expected and if I hadn't seen the videos I probably would have killed my back doing it wrong.
On the left. my post is in the "What I Learned Today"
foot was too close to the bike when I put it down, lost all leverage on a slight lefthand slope. Couldnt dig for the muscle to keep it up and gravity kicked my butt.

One thing that really worries me is what has already been posted: Stalling it when started to make a left hander with the bike either leaned or handlebars rotated. Is there any counter to this? if you stall it right away no biggie, but if you get going your not going to be able to put the foot down and muscle against it
I'm guessing you meant to say "That makes your back so happy" if thats what you meant it did not bother it at all.

Yes... sorry "r" has now been added. :spank:

I know when I dropped my ex500 last year I quickly lifted back up from the ground like it was only 50 pounds. My shoulder hurt me for almost 3 weeks after but that was because I lifted it without thinking about what I was doing. The house I was in front of had about 3 or 4 guys I work with in it and I had to get the bike up before they looked out. :D

Now for the SPELL CHECK.
^ I have to say I was lucky that it didn't mess it up. I have thrown my back out just moving, not to mention trying to one arm a 400 pound bike up before it hits the ground.:thumbup: