Did you drop it on the left or right?

I dropped it on...

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-1mph drop on the right rolling it backwards down my driveway. Got wedged between our two cars. It was early in the morning, and I didn't want to start the engine directly under the bedroom window, so I tried to push it uphill while in neutral. Probalby while pushing forward, I pushed the handlebar in a weird manner, and it went over.

0 mph drop on the left. It was on the sidestand on a slope (left side was downhill). I mounted the bike, got it straightened up, and then lifted my downhill foot to kick the sidestand back. But unbeknownst to me, my left foot was balancing the bike more than I was aware because of the slope I was on. Also due to that slope, I didn't get leverage against the ground as I expected, and it started the slow-as-molasses, painful, inevitable, death lean and I had to eject before it landed on me.

Frame sliders took the brunt of the damage, but I probalby could have used a longer slider, as the bottom of the crank case on both sides has minor scratches on it now.

The possibility of stalling while making a sharp turn (left or right) from a stop and then dropping is a good one to keep an eye on.
The possibility of stalling while making a sharp turn (left or right) from a stop and then dropping is a good one to keep an eye on.

Yeah, it's tough. At the time I was trying to learn how to use the front brake rather than the rear brake to keep from rolling backwards on an incline so that I could keep both feet on the ground. I wasn't very good at releasing the brake while giving throttle and stalled it going a couple of mph. What really did it though is that I was on a steep incline upwards and the road was sloped steeply left, so I had terrible footing.

One thing I learned is that when practicing pulling away from a stop on an uphill slope, do it on ground that is level left to right.
One thing I learned is that when practicing pulling away from a stop on an uphill slope, do it on ground that is level left to right.

I was putting around San Fran one day and turned down one street and in front of me was one of those classic SF streets that seems to straight up. Every single light on the way up turned red on me. Trial by fire but at least they're level left to right.
I was putting around San Fran one day and turned down one street and in front of me was one of those classic SF streets that seems to straight up. Every single light on the way up turned red on me. Trial by fire but at least they're level left to right.

For that exact reason, I'm really careful about what street I take in SF. Only ones I know aren't vertical. For random riding in SF, you'd need one of the fancy Beemers that automatically applies the brake when you are tilted backwards.
Stopped for a break on a residential street parallel to the curb on the right. Put side stand down, but forgot the fact that the pavement is sloped downwards towards the curb where I had stopped. So to my surprise, when I got off the bike, it started falling to the right and I tried but couldn't keep it from going down. Good thing it didn't go down full force. Top of fairing and right bar end hit the curb resulting in scratches. The curb saved the FZ from having to take a hit on the frame (I had sliders installed). Next time I'll always make sure that the pavement is level where I park it.
i dropped mine while parking the bike...the pavement was quite wet at that time...dropped right on the grass...scatches only at front right signal lights...a lot of grass on the footrest though.. =.="
I was parking the motorcycle and put the kick stand down. Unfortunately, the kick stand wasn't all the way down and so as I tried to get off, the bike decided to fall on the left. I tried to keep it up, but it slowly hit the ground. Only damaged the fairing, clutch, and crankcase cover.
Well I've never dropped the fizzer only slipped on snow so that doesn't count. I dropped my SV650S just after I passed my test out of pure rider error so I used that as my vote.
dropped mine 0mph coming into a stop sign....I have lost 60lbs recently but at the time had not bought new jeans, and the extra bag and sag caused them to catch my shifter as I went to put my left foot down, therefore my left foot never got to the ground but the bike was already leaning that way....so at a full stop me and the bike went straight over like a tree. To make it worse all these people we jumping out of their cars like I had bones sticking out of my leg or something making a huge scene to see if I was ok :rant:
My drop (one and only, touch wood!) was on the way home from my first long ride, leaving Narracoorte to the Riverland. I'd had problems with the Fazer's seat, despite using a lambswool cover (Go Sheepy Hollow!) the seat still turned to rock after the first 2 hours of riding. I endured another 3 hours of riding before reaching my destination.
On the way back I was eager to get home, but needed to stop in Pinnaroo. Coming into an angle parking bay too hot, and with full right lock, I guess I was going in between walking and running pace, and I grabbed the front brake instead of straightening and using the rear.
I stepped off teh bike as it went over, and was left standing, in the middle of nowhere, with my only means to get home, lying on it's side. Adrenaline helped get the bike upright, and a moment after it was upright, a busload of tourists rocked up! LOL:confused:
Only damage was a scratched oggy knob, scratched rear indicator, and bent rear brake lever.

I haven't dropped my FZ yet, but I voted left since that's the side my Katana fell over on.

I'm betting there will be more lefts, since that's the kickstand side...
Funny story about the last one, it was just before a ride with DefyInertia at the gas station we were supposed to meet at. We had never met - it was our first ride together. AS the bike was going down (hadn't even hit the ground yet) I was thinking "perfect, DefyIntertia is going to show up right now, see me with the bike on the ground, and just keep going" LOL. Fortunately some nice guy helped me get the bike up and when DI showed up he was none the wiser...

:eek: I feel cheated! :D That's funny...

I was coming off a 180 degree turn and grab a little to much throttle on the exit. Luckily only my heart jumped that high, the front wheel came back down and the bike was fine. I think my long legs helped!

:confused: I don't follow. What happened?
Nearly 4,000 mi and no drops yet. But, I've missed second gear twice now (hit neutral instead) in slow 90 degree turns and the only thing that saved me is my 36" inseam! Third time I may not be so lucky...
i dropped mine on the right side. not sure really what happen. i was getting on and i think my pant leg got caught on something, and over it went. i pretty much gently layed it on it's side. scuffed the mirror a bit. i did scuffed the mirror more getting it into a garage one time.
my bike is 2 vs. 1 for the right side. Dropped it a couple days after I got it on the right side, after stalling it on a steep hill. Brother in law tipped it over on the right side at a stop.

Finally, again I dropped it, on the left this time making a u turn off road and getting the front tire stuck in a rut at a bad angle
Originally Posted by fzinger
Nearly 4,000 mi and no drops yet. But, I've missed second gear twice now (hit neutral instead) in slow 90 degree turns and the only thing that saved me is my 36" inseam! Third time I may not be so lucky...

That's a good tip to keep in mind. Never considered that possibility.

I'd say the tip is don't try to change gear whilst doing a slow 90 degree turn.
two times on right side. One @ 70 km/hr and the other stopped. As I scratched the frame the first time it was a good chance to tear her appart and re assemble it after paint. It was a very nice time ;) oh and the seccond time I kept asking myself why I haven't put on those sliders yet??????? :spank: