Democrat vs Republican parties


Stop looking at my title!
Jul 7, 2008
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Bristow Virginia
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Making broad general sweeping statements about each political party is exactly the problem that each political party has because stereotypes is what the parties now do. Both parties now play to their mainstream constituents which unfortunately often ends the great possibilities that may be offered by outliers. A democrate OR republican may have a great idea but too often it is now swamped under because it MIGHT alienate too many supporters regardless of its potential success. Politics has become a game where the best course of action is to attract as many fans as possible without alienating anyone.

Before the system was founded it worked well because no one had found a way to exploit the democratic system. I would argue that their are now two "corporations" that not only exploit the system but exploit the system so well that the system is now referred to as a two party system. The two parties have devolved the political process into a shouting match of black vs white which only serves to benefit them. They practically force voters to choose one side or another and the worst part is the question doesn't usually have a yes or no answer but is a scale between 1 and 100. In order to capture more supporters they have changed the game. Before if you were at 1 you were a democrat and at 100 a republican. Now if you are 1-50 you are a democrat and 51-100 you are a republican. A quick example would be abortion 1 is for 100 is against, the numbers in between are all the other myraid possibilities. Two party system means two choices. Goodbye great ideas or compromise.

Too many people are too busy complaining about corporate greed or insidious business practices perpetrated by corporate America yet are blind to the same practices used by BOTH political parties. I don't know what is worse being blind to ALL of it or believing that only the "other" party is the one capable of it. If the American public could look beyond politics as a football game where it really kicks ass when your team wins they would be fed up enough to vote both parties out of office.

When the only losers in the game are the supporters it is time to stop cheering.
Your title could also read "Americans vs. Themselves". Good points.
Making broad general sweeping statements about each political party is exactly the problem that each political party has because stereotypes is what the parties now do. Both parties now play to their mainstream constituents which unfortunately often ends the great possibilities that may be offered by outliers. A democrate OR republican may have a great idea but too often it is now swamped under because it MIGHT alienate too many supporters regardless of its potential success. Politics has become a game where the best course of action is to attract as many fans as possible without alienating anyone.

Before the system was founded it worked well because no one had found a way to exploit the democratic system. I would argue that their are now two "corporations" that not only exploit the system but exploit the system so well that the system is now referred to as a two party system. The two parties have devolved the political process into a shouting match of black vs white which only serves to benefit them. They practically force voters to choose one side or another and the worst part is the question doesn't usually have a yes or no answer but is a scale between 1 and 100. In order to capture more supporters they have changed the game. Before if you were at 1 you were a democrat and at 100 a republican. Now if you are 1-50 you are a democrat and 51-100 you are a republican. A quick example would be abortion 1 is for 100 is against, the numbers in between are all the other myraid possibilities. Two party system means two choices. Goodbye great ideas or compromise.

Too many people are too busy complaining about corporate greed or insidious business practices perpetrated by corporate America yet are blind to the same practices used by BOTH political parties. I don't know what is worse being blind to ALL of it or believing that only the "other" party is the one capable of it. If the American public could look beyond politics as a football game where it really kicks ass when your team wins they would be fed up enough to vote both parties out of office.

When the only losers in the game are the supporters it is time to stop cheering.

The only problem with your assessment is that you too brush everyone with broad strokes as if both parties are monolithic in their constituencies and political positions. If that were true the health care debate would be over.

While corporate America has virtually taken over our political process with the corrupting influence of their lobbyists, PAC's and direct contributions to either party, you only need to look at who populates their respective convention floors to discern the real differences between the parties.

And people who choose to not identify with either party do not necessarily equate to being objective either, it may just be so they don't have to feel responsible for anything or can blame the others.
The only problem with your assessment is that you too brush everyone with broad strokes as if both parties are monolithic in their constituencies and political positions. If that were true the health care debate would be over.

I know that the parties aren't that easily grouped together (but it begs the (rhetorical) question as to why the different factions would choose to align themselves) but that is how they are portrayed. I don't want to turn this into a debate about the mainstream media but the parties aren't blameless in the fact that the debates are portrayed as black and white and us vs them.

While corporate America has virtually taken over our political process with the corrupting influence of their lobbyists, PAC's and direct contributions to either party, you only need to look at who populates their respective convention floors to discern the real differences between the parties.

I think this statement tries to put the blame on the wrong people. "corporate America" here seems to be the same "root of all evil corporate America". A lot, if not all of the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the politicians and the people not corporate America.

And people who choose to not identify with either party do not necessarily equate to being objective either, it may just be so they don't have to feel responsible for anything or can blame the others.

I agree 100% thats why I blame everyone ;)