Deer Jump


Super Member
Aug 12, 2007
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Have any of you seen this?

Thats cool.

Did you notice the rider that had the clearest view did not react at all.
No brake lights.
I think i'm going to have to call shenanigans on that.....if you watch, the guy it runs out in front of doesn't even flinch, and nobody slows down or reacts at way, gotta be fake.
I dont know man.
If you slow it down the shadow is facing the right direction, climbs as the deer jumps, bunches as it prepares to jump.

Also they are harley riders. Not really known for the fast reaction times, or mad bike riding skills.
What You Didn't See

1. the HD rider spilling his beer just after
2. the deers friends giving him a "high hoof" for proving his superior skills again
3. the actual reaction time on the rider(the video isn't long enough):D
It looked real to me. The deer shot across there pretty fast, so I'm not surprised that there is not a lot of reaction from the riders. I believe the one traveling in front of the camera looks back after the deer runs across. But I guess it could have been faked. I have had a deer jump over the front of my pickup once. So, seeing this does not surprise me.