DAMN you Townsend!


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Dec 15, 2011
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South Australia
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After careful consideration, and recommendation from Townsend, I pulled the db killers from my Scorpions cans, and.....

As I feared, I love it!

I start my bike up at 0400 to warm it up before leaving for work, and was worried about it disturbing my neighbours. Well, now I've heard the Scorps with no db killers, if it bothers them, they can turn down their hearing-aids cos they're not going back in!


Acceleration is LOUD, the down change blip before stopping at traffic lights is LOUD, but if I need a moment of relative serenity, just change into 6th and even at 110kph (~70mph) it's noticeable, but definitely not obnoxious. (for me, anyway!)

Oh now you've done it Mave!!

You just motivated me to go all hooligan with my Leo's.

DB killers are coming out tomorrow.

And a shout out to Townsend as well!!
LMAO :rof: :rof: You only just pulled them out :eek: I put pipes on my bike & dont even start the thing till the db killers are out , them I generally put them somewhere never to be seen again :BLAA: seriously , when I traded the FZ they wanted the bd killers for the Microns & it took me 2 days of solid searching to find then :)
Pipes without DB-killers are illegal in the UK for good reason. They disturb everyone around you and damage your ears. Stating up without them at 4am is unbelievably selfish and makes all bikers look bad.

Or did you start this thread just to troll? In that case: lol.
Pipes without DB-killers are illegal in the UK for good reason. They disturb everyone around you and damage your ears. Stating up without them at 4am is unbelievably selfish and makes all bikers look bad.

Or did you start this thread just to troll? In that case: lol.

I have yet to see any fz6 with a exhaust louder than mine and I leave for work everyday at around 5am. I try my best to keep it quite in my neighborhood because I'm lucky enough to have good neighbors and I'd hate to be "that guy" who they all talk about behind their backs. I've have talked to everyone of them asking them if they hear me leave in the morning, if I wake them and what not not, not a single person said they could hear me (most 4cyl are surprisingly quite off throttle) even the little old lady who did call the cops on me when I had my 07 silverado with my own custom built straight true duals X pipe system <<<<very loud!!! Although the little old lady made it extremely clear that she can hear me coming back home from a mile away she says.

What I'm getting at here, it's how you act with loud pipes that pisses people off, even straight pipes can be "relatively" quiet off throttle. And to be completely honest I think it's actually pretty selfish to think that just because someone likes something different than you they instantly become lower than you and part of the reason "bikers get a bad name" especially for someone who lives 1000s of miles away from you in a completely different culture who as a majority might just think the complete opposite about bikes?

And for the record I'm not trying to cut you down, from the sound of it you have probably never owned a open exhaust bike so it's possible you might just not know and have formed your opinion from your neighbor squids who never take it out of 1st gear?

And also where I live in Georgia there are 0 laws pertaining to motorcycle exhaust, a lot of people down here like em loud!
it's how you act with loud pipes that pisses people off, even straight pipes can be "relatively" quiet off throttle.

True Chevy, but I must accept some of the blame for the misconception by the 'they can turn down the hearing-aids' statement.

I'm also not going to be 'that guy', but the pipes are SO much throatier (as Townsend said they would be!)

All the reinforcement I needed today was riding through town, and a car full of girls about 10m ahead all turned back and looked at me. If they could hear me enough to make myself known 10m away from the pipe outlet, facing the other way, than I have made myself more observable, and thus increased the safety margin considerably.

If I start it up in the morning, and let it settle to idle, it's not that bad - if I give it a decent kick of the throttle, THEN it bellows!

I'll speak to my neighbours, but hopefully it's not an issue.

Yep, its a compleatly different bike with them out.

I'm 54 years old and can't stand super loud HD's or anything else super loud for that matter.

I can still hear my helmet stereo, even at 70 MPH. I often turn OFF THE RADIO, just to hear the engine hum as it sounds so good and IMHO isn't too loud UNTIL you wind it up (above 7-8K RPMs).. I don't wind it up in residential neighborhoods, any upper RPM's are on larger, higher speed (50MPH +) roads before I'll blow out any carbon :D

And most folks around you DO hear you before they see you, so in my book, a big plus...

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You should be fine as long as long as you don't act a fool with them. Do you live in a typical neighborhood?
For me the adjacent house is 20' away but I'm retired and generally am not out that early.

At cold idle, it truely isn't much (if any) louder than with the DB killers in. Keep it under 4k RPM's until out of the residential area's, your fine...

As noted, rev it up a bunch that early in a residential neighborhood, you won't be making any new friends...
Pipes without DB-killers are illegal in the UK for good reason. They disturb everyone around you and damage your ears. Stating up without them at 4am is unbelievably selfish and makes all bikers look bad.

Or did you start this thread just to troll? In that case: lol.

I'm lucky enough that I have great neighbors and I also don't abuse anyone with my exhaust. That includes lane splitting etc. I keep it as docile as possible.
The exhaust note never seems to bother my ears but wind noise is another case so I wear plugs.

This one of the prettiest songs I've ever heard and brings a tear to my every time I hear it...:rolleyes:

Oh yeah..."Damn you Scott!"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNdGADX-WSM&list=UUT01b7i_GF9H9-u9N9e22AQ&index=1&feature=plcp]Two Bros SV 1000s - YouTube[/ame]
Yep, I'm the rebel rouser!!!

Cheaper than a new corvette for my mid-life crisis! Just as fast too!:thumbup:

+1 on that Townsends!! ^ ^ ^

The bike has saved me 10's of k's on what some guys do in their late 40's.
My former best friend just had to have a new expensive 'vette, a small plane, cheated on his wife and is divorced with nothing now. A true and sad story, that idiot!!

Btw, no DB killers today. I am liking the sound of "hooligan" exhaust quite a bit. I may just leave them (DB killers) out for a while.
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In these parts the HD's are the hooligans and their cr@p is waaaaay louder than rice. At a light, the HD thump beats into your head, the Gxr w/Leo's at on the other side goes unnoticed. When we leave the light its the same thing, the HD blasts at low RPMs and the rice not so much. I know this doesn't make it right, but bikes don't get checked here.

And ya, I woulda had those out long ago Mav!
...from the sound of it you have probably never owned a open exhaust bike so it's possible you might just not know...
Not sure if this comment was aimed at me or not, if it is, maybe you should check before just writing stuff! Obviously you didn't bother looking at any of my posts on this site or my website link down there in my signature or my youtube videos embedded on my website. In fact, the most popular video (with 60,000 views) is one where I show the difference between the sound of open pipes, stock and pipes with DB-killers in.[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6nCnGrRtFQ&list=UUgKHfvkYF-3Q2zRTadyXu2A&index=16&feature=plcp"]popular video[/ame] There is another one where I also use a de-cat pipe, but didn't even bother with taking out the DB-killers as it was waay louder that with the cat (which I've since put back due to being far too loud without it).

I wouldn't act like the OP in consideration of...:-
  • my neighbours
  • my own future case of tinnitus
  • the road laws in the UK about having to have e-marked exhausts (if you buy e-marked exhausts they instructions state that if you remove the DB-killers the e-mark is invalid)
  • the laws about loud noise between 11pm and 7am (when most people are trying to sleep)

It's the Internet, everyone is free to share opinions, but should be prepared to defend those opinions when they do!
Pipes without DB-killers are illegal in the UK for good reason. They disturb everyone around you and damage your ears. Stating up without them at 4am is unbelievably selfish and makes all bikers look bad.

Or did you start this thread just to troll? In that case: lol.
Boooooo I say tell that to the diesels and Honda civics
Not sure if this comment was aimed at me or not, if it is, maybe you should check before just writing stuff! Obviously you didn't bother looking at any of my posts on this site

I wouldn't act like the OP in consideration of...:-
  • my neighbours
  • my own future case of tinnitus
  • the road laws in the UK about having to have e-marked exhausts (if you buy e-marked exhausts they instructions state that if you remove the DB-killers the e-mark is invalid)
  • the laws about loud noise between 11pm and 7am (when most people are trying to sleep)

It's the Internet, everyone is free to share opinions, but should be prepared to defend those opinions when they do


Yes the comment was aimed at you, and that's why the comment was in the form of a question not a statement because i haven't seen your videos or recall any post about post about exhaust from you. Pretty much I was asking what makes you have that opinion that people with loud exhaust give bikers a bad name while throwing out a guess to what might have gave you that opinion. Or are we completely misunderstanding you?

And you saying that stuff leads me to even more confusion as to just what your opinion is. Do you like loud exhaust just not hearing it? I'm not sure what your getting at other than at least not liking loud exhaust at night and early morning which the OP was just being sarcastic about the neighbors needing to turn their hearing aids down. And for the 4am thing it's not really a opinion pipes with out db killers still can be relatively quiet off throttle, but you get someone revving up at 4am that's a different story.
I'm lucky enough that I have great neighbors and I also don't abuse anyone with my exhaust. That includes lane splitting etc. I keep it as docile as possible.
The exhaust note never seems to bother my ears but wind noise is another case so I wear plugs.

This one of the prettiest songs I've ever heard and brings a tear to my every time I hear it...:rolleyes:

Oh yeah..."Damn you Scott!"

Two Bros SV 1000s - YouTube

And the man on the throttle is just like the conductor of an Orchestra !!!!! Love it Cliff :drool: