"Damien" to get new paint job & some custom wheels???

Not on the wheels, someone mentioned lights on the actual bike that could be turned on and might flare in time with the exhaust or something :p (I thought)
Not a fan though myself, was just wondering on the legality. I know the restrictions on led's etc on cars in NSW is pretty harsh was assuming its the same for bikes.

That Aztec one is amazing though IMO. But I'm a fan of celtic/tribal designs.

Am also a big fan of Celtic / Tribal sort of designs....

Just for the record... I hate LED's. But I think if you are going for a show bike then lighting it plays an important part, when parked. And nothing says evil like glowing red.
The Omen wasn't that demonic. Was just a really strange child and some weird coincidences. I swear he reminded me of my sister on a good day. :D

My bike is actually called "Damien" cause of the freakin alarm on it....Mike (Ozzieboy) is who actually came up with the name in a round a bout's sort of way...as he swears my bike is evil, cause every time you go near it, it starts "beeping" at you! Love that proximinity alert...has made more than a few "passer byers" jump more than just a little bit....

Damien from the Omen actually reminds me of a couple of Girlfriends i have had the pleasure of being with on a "bad" day!

Hahaha, sorry that point was lost on me till now (saw the movie at the drive in, ended up more interested in the company in the car than the movie ;) :thumbup: )
Just for the record... I hate LED's. But I think if you are going for a show bike then lighting it plays an important part, when parked. And nothing says evil like glowing red.

Hmmm... not really that keen on making it a show bike... i will leave that to the harley/boat anchor crew! that sort of stuff doesnt really interest me...am much more interested in riding the thing as much as possible, then when i get somewhere, sit back and enjoy looking at it myself, over a cold beer, and a smoke...oh, and take truckloads of photo's of it myself..till i get that "perfect" picture..which never seems to happen!

But your right, nothing says evil like glowing red!

Just food for thought, but sometimes people seem to get a black which has a super deep red through it, not sure if its just when the light shines through, but its a really really deep paint job, and looks really amazing, can't remember where I saw it, but you can't really see the red till you get a bit closer. Will see if I can find an example anywhere, if you could have a mix of red and white through it, it might be amazing if it turns out alright :p
Since we're talking about blacks, reds, and blues... I learned in art class that, though one can buy "black" paint, the best blacks are created by mixing red and blue. The final product one gets from the mix of red and blue is much more interesting, deep, and textured, whereas black squeezed from a tube comes out just rather flat and uninteresting.

I like the first wheel. If I were choosing a new wheel, I'd be looking at the lines of the bike and work to complement them. Since the fz6 has that nice, curvy frame line just under the tank, it would seem to me that working to carry that through, elsewhere on the bike, might help the overall effect. My .02, change gladly given...
Okay back on thread here...how much do those puppies weigh? Because Damien is a performance bike, 10 ton wheels will really suck. How about more of a performance wheel instead of a bling wheel? Like CF, mag, etc?
Okay back on thread here...how much do those puppies weigh? Because Damien is a performance bike, 10 ton wheels will really suck. How about more of a performance wheel instead of a bling wheel? Like CF, mag, etc?

Yeah, what about some of those fancy-shmancy magnesium marchesini's?

Yes...good point boys! The second wheel down in my first post are supposedly quite light.....and i have looked at Marchesini Wheels, etc, in the past....and may still go this way....as some of these wheels are "dead sexy" as wheel, whilst being ultra light weight...

Have moved away from thinking Carbon Wheels, as i think they are inpracticle for day to day use, on a bike that gets ridden all the time, on a variety of different surfaces....smooth & bumpy.....plus they are insanely expensive!

I'm in the minority here, but I like the first wheel in the first post too.

Bike's gunna look awesome when you're done Jamie, (not that it doesn't look good already).

Umm... Ya wanna sell your old wheels when you get the new set??? Keep me in mind mate :D

I'm in the minority here, but I like the first wheel in the first post too.

Bike's gunna look awesome when you're done Jamie, (not that it doesn't look good already).

Umm... Ya wanna sell your old wheels when you get the new set??? Keep me in mind mate :D


Hi Dave...will be reticent to sell old wheels, if i get new....both for racing purposes, and spare's purposes....just in case i go belly up again!

I'm in the minority here, but I like the first wheel in the first post too.

Bike's gunna look awesome when you're done Jamie, (not that it doesn't look good already).

Umm... Ya wanna sell your old wheels when you get the new set??? Keep me in mind mate :D


Hi Dave...will be reticent to sell old wheels, if i get new....both for racing purposes, and spare's purposes....just in case i go belly up again!


Go get your's plished Dave....it's not expensive...about $160 a wheel....Bargain!, but remember, keeping them clean is a mission!

That latest bottom wheel are pretty sweet :p
Still like that very first one though, Imagine if you got red over the silver, and then a deeper black again over the top on the parts already black :D