Crashed my baby


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Northern Kentucky
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Well the good news is I'm alive. Bad news is I broke my femur. Not recomended. It was a first gear crash into a guard rail, snap, over the guardrail, through the trees( I was told two full summersaults) 20 feet down into a creek bed. I had all my gear on, which I am convinced saved my life. Don't know if anyone is familiar with Rabbit Hash Kentucky. That is a local destination for most bikers in the Cincinnati area. Well it was the scene for this awesome event. I was leaving to go home after a great day of riding. From where we parked to a stop sign is propably 100+ feet. Right before the stop sign is an immediate turn to the left. At this point is a bridge 20 feet above the creek. I took off and got pretty high in the rpms in 1st. I'm guessing 40 mph but I didn't look. Realizing I needed to slow for the turn, I let off the throttle too fast and had a great deal of engine braking. Between that and getting on the brakes pretty hard, I lost control and the bike slung me into the guardrail right before the bridge and the ride began. I have been riding my bike for two years now. I would not consider myself an aggressive rider. I was in a good mood and felt a little ****y I guess. Needless to say ****y is nowhere in my dictionary anymore. They said it took five guys to flip my bike upside down to get the handlebars out from under the guardrail. My buddys brought my bike to me the other day and suprisingly my bike is in great shape. Some cosmetic damage, handlebars are bent, but otherwise good shape. Moral of this story: ****y=Crash!
Thank God you're not worse off and here to type about it! Heal fast and get back on the horse!

This gives you some time to reflect and think about how you could have avoided it. Truth now... were you showing off for anyone?

Well done in ATGATT too as I am sure it saved you. Pics of the bike when you can and if you will?

Take care!
Sorry to hear about the injuries but glad to know you're not hurt really bad that you can't recover fully. Take time to heal and keep back to riding as soon as you can.

Take care.
Get well soon Pday! I live in Northern Kentucky. I am familiar with where you went down. Heal up fast, get yourself and your bike back on the road.
For a 40 mph corner id probably be in second. You know what they say when getting in a corner to hot. When in doubt gas it. But this would be hard to do b/c you are so high in rpms.

The good thing is your pretty ok. who knows maybe when the broken femur heals you can get an awesome seat
Sounds like you where lucky in many respects!
So get well soon! Sounds like it was a learning experience and when it comes down to it, it may have been a bad experience too but you realised your mistake and that means you won't do it again!
That first gear is a real @*&$# for cornering though.
Wow, thank goodness your alive. Most riders who encounter guardrails aren't as fortuanate, as guardrails are probably the next deadliest thing to hit for a motorcyclist next to another vehicle.

Heal quick, looks like you may have a lot of forum time ahead of you.
Good luck with the recovery, mate. I almost had a similar scare once; a bit excited, went a bit too fast on the 1st, and engine braking from letting go of the accelerator almost got me sliding on asphalt! I saved it by holding the clutch, and using the brakes for slowing, and moving to a higher gear.

I learnt my lesson in not pushing this beast too high on the 1st gear!
Your good to ride another day!

Thanks for sharing with us. It takes courage and character to share these mistakes with others.

Get better soon!
Just goes to show you that you ALWAYS have to be vigilant are we're always learning. Hope your recovery is a speedy one, you've learnt something and your mother/partner/children stay off your back WHEN you go to get back in the saddle.
Strong first post! :welcome: and glad you're relatively OKAY.

In your downtime you can start planning your new MODS.