Compulsory Hi Vis

Yammi Dodger

Jun 8, 2009
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Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire UK
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Hi guys, just wondered what your thoughts were on the proposed changes to EU laws governing motorcycling. :( I normally ware an Hi Viz when traveling
to work now the that the dark nights are here. But there's one thing that I don't like and that's being told what I can & cannot ware. I do ware my Hi Viz but its by choice, so like I said it should be left to the rider to make his or her choice on what they want to ware.

Compulsory hi-vis in France - | Motorcycle News | Bike News | Motorbike Videos | MCN

BBC News - Wiltshire motorbikes in M4 go-slow against the EU
Ha your worried about the Hi Viz . Wait till they tell you that you are not allowed to mod your bike in any way that will increase it's performance, it is coming. Only answer is to get out of the EU.
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I'm with yammy dodger- I wear high vis because I want to be seen- not because I have to- I wear high viz on building sites for the same reason..... plus I would be allowed on the site without it

I havent modded my bike at all... apart from the twin headlight mod and the LED tail lights but I reserve the right to do so.... but dont the insurance companies already stop us doing it in reality?
Hi-Vis is just about to come out now it's getting dark on my ride home after work.

It's actually a faux fur lined highwayman's jacket I use so it works as an additional layer to help keep me warm too!
I don't necessarily disagree with it. Being visible does help to mitigate accidents, but it's nice to have the choice...

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Should make bloody pedestrians wear them, missed one muppet by inches the other night, was after dark, light rain, unlit road and he's wearing all black, nigh on scared the **** outta me!!!!
i was part of the UK protests against some of the proposed legistation

the other problem is that insurers and police may begin blaming motorcyclists for accidents if they weren't wearing hi-vis and another vehicle hits them.
I think it should but your choice to wear hi vis or not I have only just stared wearing mine to & from work I also agree with Montro about pedestrians wearing them.
Freedom of choice... not...

PS: Sucks to ride in france right now. These yellow jackets are ugly...
Motorcycle news had an article after it came in that showed a small fluorescent armband which was all that was required- if that is it- what a waste of time- car drivers wont see that if they cant see a bike coming with headlights on!
If they don't see us dressing up as Power Rangers now with headlights on, this is going to make no difference whatsoever.

They don't see me driving a CAR half the time. :spank:

Nearly got run off the road last time I went to the shops. :Flip:

Put some blue flashing lights on your bike, wear a white helmet... and I guarantee you'll get noticed quick smart :thumbup:
They are all missing the point when setting these Hi-Vis laws.
The reason for most accidents is "sorry mate i didn't see you"

Therefore i would be totally in agreement to accept eye tests for all motorists say every 5 years. If they can't see a bike with lights on or off they do need to get help.
They also need to stop and think a bit longer at junctions before pulling out because it is hard to judge the speed of an approaching bike than a larger object.
It's great riding France so please don't let this stupid rule put you off, the motorists are a lot more bike friendly and pull over slightly to let you filter.

I'm going again this year. It should be our choice if we wear it or not. I don't but i have a hi-vis Shark Vision R helmet so that should be enough hi-vis for the trip.