Cheap Handlebar Bag


Vertically Challenged
Sep 3, 2008
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Imperial, Missouri
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OK ... its a fanny pack. :cheer:

BUT WAIT!!! I am not wearing it my FZ is and that is OK because SHE is a girl.

So I wanted a little something on the handle bars to keep a few small things in like wallet, ins. card, change, sunglasses,papertowls for visor or nose:D, etc. I don't use my tank bag much and my tail bag is obviously behind me and difficult to access if I am on the bike. I looked at handlebar bags online but they were $20 or more and tiny. So I was at Wal-mart and found this fanny pack that I thought might just work and it was PERFECT, best was it was $7:thumbup:
I got home and adjusted it to the smallest loop I could and had my wife sew it there so it wouldn't loosen itself. Then I cut the extra straps off and put flame to the ends so they won't fray. You can easily put it on the front or back of the bars, I would suggest if you were going to put anything in it that's not flat or are going to load it up that you put it on the front because it could interfere with the range of steering if on the back. When on the front it does interfere with the key but no biggie, its on and off in 5 seconds. Here are some pics, still amazed at how this worked out, like its made for the bike.
Excellent idea! :thumbup:

I wasn't that creative - I bought a tank bag. Really like your set-up though.
Excellent idea! :thumbup:

I wasn't that creative - I bought a tank bag. Really like your set-up though.

I use a tank bag also but there are times where I don't really need it but there are a few little things I always wanna have with me. The tank bag is easy but I scratched my last bike's tank with it because a little metal got onto the magnet. Now I only put it on if I really need to use it, and only after a brief inspection for metal, I make surgical instruments so I sometimes will transfer metal to the magnets by accident.:(
Wow, this is a fantastic idea! I haven't had a fannie pack for...15 years but this good idea. I didn't want to get a tank bag because of my pretty new paint, but this will not touch it so I will try to find a nice bag like that. Just for quicker trips it would be nice.