Center stand technique


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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This is a little embarrassing. I've had my FZ6 for 4 months now and have never put it on the center stand. Honestly, I tried the other day with a full tank of gas and couldn't get it up. Spare the jokes. :)

Anyway, what's the best technique? Which foot do you use and where do you grab? I'm only 5'6" and I just wasn't getting it to work.

Help a fellow bro out. :squid:
i put my right foot on the "Pedal" and then grab the left side (while riding) grab rail and step harder on the pedal while pulling forward/up on the grab rail, usually just pops right up there...
Or you can watch this guy do it to give you an idea.

[ame=""]YouTube - How to Use a Centerstand[/ame]

Note: Most of your energy should be used with your right foot pushing down than your right hand pulling up.

Here's another video:

[ame=""]YouTube - Motorcycle Tip - How to Lift onto Center Stand[/ame]
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Make sure you practice on level ground. The first time I dropped my bike was because I tried to take it off of the center stand on an uphill.
I always take my bike off the center stand when I am sitting on it... I don't like the idea of doing it while standing next to it. I guess you have to be pretty tall so your feet touch the ground, however.
I always take my bike off the center stand when I am sitting on it... I don't like the idea of doing it while standing next to it. I guess you have to be pretty tall so your feet touch the ground, however.

I don't like the idea of taking the bike off the center stand while next to it either.

I will say, however, that it can totally be done by us shorties. I'm probably one of the, if not the, shortest guy here at 5'5" and I can always take the bike off the center stand while on it. I can give a quick tutorial if anyone is interested.
I put it on the center stand while sitting on it. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 tries but it works. I take it down while sitting on it as well.
It was just a month ago I discovered that you can put the centerstand down while the sidestand is down too, then flip the sidestand up. I was never too comfortable getting off the bike while balancing it...
im 5'7 and have the build of a stick, and i finally figured out how to do it the other day. just ensure that both feet of the centerstand are actually touching the ground and it's not so bad.
Okay, I finally got it up. :cheer:

Actually I tried using the bars in the back but that didn't work so I used the bar that's just in front of the passenger footpeg to lift it up and it went up no problem. I think that works better.

Thanks for the help and for not laughing at my dysfunction. ;)
I'm a pretty small guy too, and the huge dude with the little tiny Kawasaki makes it look a lot easier than it is. Once I figured out how/where to lift up it's no problem. I still have a tough time when I've got the side and top cases full, plus a full tank of gas.
I usually put my right foot on the stand and both hands on the bars. Push the stand down and hold pressure then pull back hard on the bars it pops right up on the stand.
I usually put my right foot on the stand and both hands on the bars. Push the stand down and hold pressure then pull back hard on the bars it pops right up on the stand.

I have a pretty tough time doing it that way. The only way I can do it easily is by pulling up.
Yep, if you're tall it's probably easier. It all has to do with angle of attack and leverage. Being a shortie, my chin only comes up to seat level and I just don't seem to have enough umph to pull it up and back. Grabbing the bar next to the passenger peg gives me that leverage and it's pretty easy then.

I'm not very big and tall either, 150lbs and 5-9", but I can get the bike on and off the centerstand barefooted. Planting your foot on the centerstand without shoes is challenging, but doable. Reason for barefoot, I usually wash my bike without shoes, because they just get wet.
It was just a month ago I discovered that you can put the centerstand down while the sidestand is down too, then flip the sidestand up. I was never too comfortable getting off the bike while balancing it...

I do the same thing. I also put the sidestand down before taking it off the center stand.
Sounds like I might be the only one who puts it on the center stand while sitting on the bike. This habit started when I first started riding street bikes 20 some yrs ago. I dropped my bike away from me and an friend showed me this method. I just put my left foot on the stand lever, and rock the bike back, I will catch it with the front brake so it doesn't go back down if I don't get it on the first try, then rock again and it it there. Procedure in reverse for taking it off, sit on the bike and rock it fwd.