Carrying a concealed weapon???

Well, my understanding of other countries is that they are jealous of the U.S. but are always needing our help. Australia has its reputation too so dont even go there Dundee.

This is uncalled for, even if Zeladin (SP) was being very stereotypical.
This is part of the reason why the rest of the world looks at us like cowboys shooting eachother for no reason. Bad PR.

I personaly own a handgun. I do not have a CCP. I will get one in the near future (when I get a firearm for myself as my other is for my G/F to use in home defense). I have been traind to use many different firearms (U.S. Army) and go to the range as often as I can. If many of you guys who live over seas were to live here and see what happens (by people who own illegal firearms) you would (possibly) want to carry also. If we could make everyone give up their weapons (could never happen) I would give mine up also. but until everyone on this earth and this planet is a non-violent person I will bear arms and I will protect myself, my family, and my neighbor (this includes you!) if need be. I am proud to be an Amwerican and have this choice, I do not respect or believe in every desicion made by my government but I would live no where else. ( and I have been to other countries) Mainly because I have a choice......

And I choose to not be a victim!
i would like to clarify some further stuff as i actually just HAD to read this whole thread.

first off i will not go into the other countries stuff as i dont know enough about it to post. other than to say i have been to kurri kurri which is around new castle in OZ. i hate to tell you but the 20-50 people i talked to there loved weapons and owned quite a few i would love to have here! i understand this is a very small percentage but it is still a view and about the same we are being based on.

now about cops never being there when you need us. you are right. i have seldom been there while a crime was happening or rode up on one. i have had this happen several times and is it ever sweet when you do pull up with some smacktard beating thier partner or breaking into something! however as someone else stated yes we are usually there AFTER the incident has happened. its just the way it is. i really wish we could do better and we are always pushing to get more hired here where i work.

another post i wanted to touch on is the post about "just ban the guns then you wont need one". have you ever considered that most criminals are called criminals because they DON'T follow the laws of society? if you make owning a gun illegal then guess what, every CRIMINAL now knows that joe blow the honest law abiding hard worker with that nice 2006 FZ6 doesnt have a gun but i do. why? because he is a CRIMINAL and couldn't give 2 ****s that it is against the law for him to have that gun. i personally think everyone should take the class and carry if you are mentally able to.

here in louisiana they made an interesting law a while back and it has worked much better that i thought it would. they made your vehicle an extension of your home. this means that you can carry it concealed in your vehicle loaded and makes it where you are legally able to shoot and kill a person trying to carjack you. i thought that mass chaos would ensue from this but i was pleasently surprised. in the first year there was 2 attempted car jackings (one in new orleans and one in baton rouge) in both cases the car jackers were shot and killed. there was massive new coverage of this and the law upheld the onslaught and both parties were told good job and released. guess what? i have been a cop here for 10 years and i have not heard of a single car jacking since then. if the justice system would take a page from that book we would be doing much better.

another point to touch on is i dont want people to have the misconception that if you carry this gun on a bike that you are going to use it. as it was stated this isn't hollywood. you have to draw it and then aim and fire. kinda hard when one hand is on gas and the other is on the clutch. i agree that if you have an issue with this you should ride to the edge of your limits. split those lanes, hammer that puppy down, take those chicken strips off on the curves! if you get pulled over then that is even better. tell the cop what happened! he may not believe you but a ticket is surely better than what you were running from!

ill just put it to you as this. i would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. i can surely tell you which end of gun i would rather be on! always remember walk away if you can.

and for those few other cops on here i will leave you with this quote i really like as a mindset while at work.

"i understand one day i may be killed with my own gun but you will have to beat me to death with it because it is out of ammo!"

good luck and ride safe!
Sempul, great post. Love the quote. Its easier to remember how many shots you fired when you empty all 3 mags lol. Not sure if its the same with state or local LEO but for federal we have to be accountable and know where every round went for the investigators. What a pain.

"Can never have to much ammo unless your in a fire"
This is my first post with the group and I'm surprised it's on this topic. Although I'm NOT a lawyer, I can recommend a source that might be helpful for this issue. Try: / Bloomfield Press For Texas riders try: Texas Department of Public Safety to read up on our CCW die-rectly.

I gave my Texas 2007-08 edition a quick read and I could NOT find reference to motocycles as 'vehicles', or being either prohibited or allowed, but will do some further reading and report back if I find something. Till then, get the law for your state and read it before venturing out.

Dubya signed our Carry a Concealed Weapon law when he was Governor back in '95. It is for Concealed weapons - you cannot carry a handgun in the open. Not surprisingly for Texas, you can carry 'long guns' in the open in your vehicle, hence the bubba rack. IF Texas were to allow handguns as CCW on bikes, you obviously would have to find room in your fairing for this transport.

BTW - after reading all posts for a while, this is a great group and I'm glad to join you. You are courteous, respectful but most of all a knowledgeable source for fz6 riders.
us too but we usually just point and say "that way". J/K by the way for those that would say in "gun crazy" :)
Just to clarify, your aggravated attack on someone who displayed a different opinion to you is what makes you a redneck (suprised you didn't try to steal his oil while you where at it)
I didn't attack anyone, merely explaining my displeasure with being stereotyped, his opinion that I had a problem with was making a bolanket statement about the land in which I live.
Your comment about diversity in your country I totally ignored, because its irrelevant. No really, the only reason you had to add it was to try and legitimise your post by a blanket statement with no basis in the arguement. (Unless your claiming all the diversity is what has caused you to need guns?)
I don't "have to" add anything. My point was that while we have people you refer to as "rednecks" (an offensive ugly term) We also have liberals, conservatives, businesspeople, farmers, eskimos, judges, lawyers, doctors, garbagemen, etc. So while some people may feel the "need" to tote a weapon, where I live it's actually frowned upon.
American foreign politics? You really must be blind or stupid, other countries don't appreciate america sticking its nose in everyone elses business and trying to act like global police while making war for oil.
Bush pretty much made your country look like a bunch of uneducated hics and rednecks.
And Paul Hogan did wonders for you. Meanwhile, for some reason I don't picture you an alligator wrestler. Why? I know better to believe what I'm fed, it's called taking something with a grain of salt.
The stereotype of Americans is blown out of proportion, because alot of people really hate your government, and it largely colours their view, even the most educated and intelligent american's I have met are always deeply patriotic and their most common mistake is just not understanding the rest of the world just isn't like America (but often think it should be).
1So you're telling me that 1 people hate me because of the actions perpetrated by my government. Why don't I hate Iranians? Because I fully understand that my friends do not like their leaders. It's called free thought.
2 so these incredibly intelligent people are patriotic and that is stupid, but they are smart. I'm not sure, but I haven't seen patriotism tested during the Wechsler nor have I read any studies correlating patriotism with lack of consideration. Love of one's country is not mutually exclusive with concern for another's.
Of course your American, so your side of the arguement must be right? Right?
Must be frustrating not being able to shoot me for disagreeing I imagine.
These little jabs illustrate your ability to so misunderstand other people. It's sad really. While you sit here berating me for taking offense to be stereotyped, stating that it's my own fault, you just assume you know me.

Maybe it's that the last time my people were stereotyped for what most people believed it resulted in my family's extermination... I don't judge you by the actions of Mel Gibson do I?
I don't "have to" add anything. My point was that while we have people you refer to as "rednecks" (an offensive ugly term)

you know where i come from "redneck" is not a derogatory word. we live by it. heck we even have jokes about it. such as:

what the difference between a redneck and a good old boy?

they both raise livestock. a redneck just get emtionally AND physically attached lol

Gun Control in the US or really anywhere is a bad idea...during WWII Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said in comment to invading the USA. "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

Makes me wonder now why so many are for gun control considering our second amendment was a great detterent to the US being invaded during WWII.

Just food for thought.
Originally Posted by RailRider
Well, my understanding of other countries is that they are jealous of the U.S. but are always needing our help. Australia has its reputation too so dont even go there Dundee.

This is uncalled for, even if Zeladin (SP) was being very stereotypical.
This is part of the reason why the rest of the world looks at us like cowboys shooting eachother for no reason. Bad PR.

I personaly own a handgun. I do not have a CCP. I will get one in the near future (when I get a firearm for myself as my other is for my G/F to use in home defense). I have been traind to use many different firearms (U.S. Army) and go to the range as often as I can. If many of you guys who live over seas were to live here and see what happens (by people who own illegal firearms) you would (possibly) want to carry also. If we could make everyone give up their weapons (could never happen) I would give mine up also. but until everyone on this earth and this planet is a non-violent person I will bear arms and I will protect myself, my family, and my neighbor (this includes you!) if need be. I am proud to be an Amwerican and have this choice, I do not respect or believe in every desicion made by my government but I would live no where else. ( and I have been to other countries) Mainly because I have a choice......

And I choose to not be a victim!
Zeladin wrote:Wow someones a little drama queen.
Americans have a worldwide reputation due to two things, how they act when they visit other countries, and their countries treatment of other nations politically.
Unfortunately a large percentage of Americans who travel really don't help this view either.
I won't comment on the gun issue, because here they are illegal.
On your comments though, I wouldn't want to meet you carrying a gun, you came across as a redneck who would shoot anyone who disagrees with you.
Seems very 'tabloid american' to me Glad your not spreading that reputation further.

Dude, if you compare what I said...I was being real nice.;)
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Maybe we could try this.

If you dont like guns, or dont live in a state or country that allows gun ownership, maybe just mind your own business and stay out of the thread???

How about that? Seeing as the posts that have nothing to do with this thread are about to be deleted by me, and will continue to be deleted by me, maybe it would save some time.

If of course you have something to add to the mans question feel free. He did not ask anyones opinion about what he wanted to do, or the legality, or anyones opinion of the ccdw laws in the US.
i'm going to skip over the political flamewar and see if i can answer the question.

Carrying on your person while riding is not a good idea.

1. It's not accessible easily.
2. You should be atgatt, which means heavy gloves. You'd have a hard time operating a weapon safely while wearing those gloves.
3. In an accident, you now have a heavy lump of metal strapped to you. This will bruise flesh and possibly break bones. And while the odds are against it, there is a slim chance that the weapon could fire while you're tumbling down the road. (a very, very very slim chance)

anytime you would need it while on the bike (a road rage incident) your first step is to pull off of the road. Get off of the bike, remove gloves, and then get the weapon out. Forget about drawing or using the weapon while riding the bike. This ain't hollywood.

And this leaves the weapon as a secondary option, where it should be. On the bike your first option is stupendous acceleration, great handling, and the ability to split lanes if you need to get away from somebody. Use those abilities first.

Because of all that, i recommend carrying it in the tankbag instead. It's easier to reach, more comfortable, and safer.

Once you have reached your destination, transfer the weapon to your cc holster of choice. Or just leave it in the tankbag. Women carry in purses all the time, and it seems to work just fine for them.


best post in the thread.
Now after 45 minutes of editing, and what not I can actually respond to your question.

I keep mine in the tank bag. Its not possible to use while riding. No one that carries legaly would even consider it. Its hard enough to use the garage door opener while riding up the street to the house.

It is quite simply the best place to keep it for me. I have a responsibility to protect myself and the ones I love. I am not a violent person. If I get to go thru my whole life with out having a life or death decision forced upon me, that would be wonderful. If it turns out that someone else desires what I have, or desires to rape, or harm the ones I love, I am fully prepared, and have made a decision that I will stop them. If they leave me no other viable option other than killing them than that will happen, and I will agonise over it for a long time. I will not agonise over my loved ones being raped or hurt while I stand by and say Hey guy could you not do that?
again with the no bearing on the mans question just a opinon
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Please read this. If I come home from work and this thread is full of the same crap it was at midnight when I should of been sleeping, I am going ban people. If you want to talk about the political and social aspects of gun ownership in the US start a thread in the U.P. section. If you want to discuss this mans question do so in this thread.

I am freaking tired of this sniping and infighting on this site and am going to put a stop to it. If you cant act like a adult here find somewhere else.
Please read this. If I come home from work and this thread is full of the same crap it was at midnight when I should of been sleeping, I am going ban people. If you want to talk about the political and social aspects of gun ownership in the US start a thread in the U.P. section. If you want to discuss this mans question do so in this thread.

I am freaking tired of this sniping and infighting on this site and am going to put a stop to it. If you cant act like a adult here find somewhere else.
Not on topic
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