Can you see me now?

Very cool setup ant!! It is very visible in the day which is a bonus. Thanks for the vids.

The only thing I would have reservations about is having my rear singals act as 'running lights'. I love that you have them coming on and flashing when braking, but not having them 'on' all the time like the fronts.

Reason - Although it does make you more visible, it might prove confusing to some motorists (I know, just the dumb ones). No vehicles on the road have rear facing Amber running lights. Again, it's more a DOT thing so who really cares, but I'm just saying that any amber running lights are always seen on the front of vehicles (forward facing), not the back. That would be the only "issue" I could see a cop having with this mod....and again, always depends on the cop.

I got nailed for one ticket a few years back for my blue LED POD lights, but I have em on for the same reason you did your lighting mod...extra visibility. If it costs me the price of a ticket once in a while, then so be it. It's a small price to pay for some added visibility/safety and hopefully avoiding a colision....that would cost me much, much more.
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...I got nailed for one ticket a few years back for my blue LED POD lights, but I have em on for the same reason you did your lighting mod...extra visibility. If it costs me the price of a ticket once in a while, then so be it. It's a small price to pay for some added visibility/safety and hopefully avoiding a colision....that would cost me much, much more.

Which means that they did their job! (the pods, that is)

And thanks for sharing ant.
Lol, yeah I guess they did!

Funny thing is, I've ridding past countless oncoming police cars since then, even been stopepd at an intersections directly accross from an oncoming cop car...and not one cop has even looked twice at the blue pod lights! The chick cop that gave me the initial ticket was a, it rhymes with 'punt'....
As the amount of newer vehicles hit the road with their latest and greates LED brake lights, the amount of LED's and intensity of their brake and running lights keep increasing. I think it's important to add additional lights on our bike so that our own bikes don't get drowned out from the ever increasing vehicles with improved lightings. I can remember in the old days, when they added a 3rd brakelight on the back of car windows, they were fairly small. These days, some vehicles will have the 3rd brake light occupying the enitre length of the rear window or almost the entire length of the back of the vehicle with LED"s.
I like it, one of my friends said that I wasn't very visible from behind at night so this is a mod I will highly consider.

I wouldn't change my signals to red though. My dad did that and I almost hit him because I didn't notice he was signaling a turn.
I like it, one of my friends said that I wasn't very visible from behind at night so this is a mod I will highly consider.

I wouldn't change my signals to red though. My dad did that and I almost hit him because I didn't notice he was signaling a turn.

Yea man I highly recommend it. I got pulled over last night at about 2 am, and the cop said nothing about my signals. I think he was checking for drunk drivers, and and happend to clock me at 61 in a 55. No tickets to show for it though.
Very cool setup ant!! It is very visible in the day which is a bonus. Thanks for the vids.

The only thing I would have reservations about is having my rear singals act as 'running lights'. I love that you have them coming on and flashing when braking, but not having them 'on' all the time like the fronts.

Reason - Although it does make you more visible, it might prove confusing to some motorists (I know, just the dumb ones). No vehicles on the road have rear facing Amber running lights. Again, it's more a DOT thing so who really cares, but I'm just saying that any amber running lights are always seen on the front of vehicles (forward facing), not the back. That would be the only "issue" I could see a cop having with this mod....and again, always depends on the cop.

I got nailed for one ticket a few years back for my blue LED POD lights, but I have em on for the same reason you did your lighting mod...extra visibility. If it costs me the price of a ticket once in a while, then so be it. It's a small price to pay for some added visibility/safety and hopefully avoiding a colision....that would cost me much, much more.

In the USA you can have your rear signals act as running lights as long as they are RED. Yellow running lights are only permitted on the frond end of a vehicle.

I'm going to look into doing this mod with Red Rear signal lights.
Great mod !!! Makes me wish I had not removed my stock signal lights...

Theres no mistake that you will be noticed by cagers now, lol :Flash:
My next mod is going to be strapping a Mad Max sawed off double barrel shotgun to my back. Usually not very happy after some piss ass cager pulls out in front of me while peering into my eyes w/some stupid grin on their face. The track trailer that cut me off today making me lock up the back brake for 30 ft or so would've gotten both barrels.

Sorry for the rant. The lights are cool.
Nice and quite visable but I'll stick with being legal. I can't afford to cough up money for tickets for a mod that makes my legality questionable.

I'll have enough problems dealing with the cost of being in the VA/DC area.

It still looks good and I think you'll be seen.
Yes Ant, you and I think a like. It all about SEEINANBEEINSEEN! Why people do mods to become less visable is beyond me. No good if you're dead. Hey, it's hard enough to ride safely and trying to avoid the cagers, why make it even more difficult for them to notice you. I am only getting flush mounts if I don't compromise my visiblity. According to a member, the Watsen flush mounts are just as bright, or if not even brighter.
+1000 on that, I'm down with Ant and Vegas too.

In fact I'm going to leave the Priority Lites Plus unit running just the amber lights because people have said that they are more visible than the red.

If I'm ticketed and need to change them to red so be it but if amber is MORE VISIBLE I'm going to leave them be.

I still can't believe that people want to make themselves less visible, cages are dangerous as it is to us and I want to be seen.

This is why I dug up this thread, looking for more rear visibility.

Thanks Ant for posting the video, with or without it though my unit had already been ordered.
Very cool! I wish I could get my Christmas tree to look so good.

Seriously, great mod.

The ultimate way to be seen is to get a cute girl in way too little gear to ride pillion, but this seems to be a much less expensive alternative ;)
Ahhh! I had to re-read this thread. It's only the turn signals that flash. That's pretty good - good conspicuity! Has anyone found anything that will also flash the rear brake light? Or just the rear brake light? Or, maybe the Priority Plus will also drive the brake light. Or, maybe the PP could drive the brake light instead of the turn signals. Has anyone messed with any of these options?
Gets you noticed sure, but from what you'v said they work a bit like hazard lights, if your blinkers are being used does this mod automatically turn itself off, so as not to confuse motorists behind you about which way you are turning? Since your generally braking into turns I see this as being more dangerous than nothing at all unless it automatically does this.
A good habit that won't get you in trouble, or a ticket and costs nothing is learning to automatically pump your brakes as you stop, or if you see anything ahead that is cause for concern, the flashing of the brake lights is visible, and will draw peoples attention, especially those who may not be concentrating or focusing properly.
The stock brake light (on my 08 at least) is extremely bright anyway.
Did you watch the video? It shows you what happens when a flasher is turned on. The other light will not flash, it simply acts like a brake light. The stock brake light on my 07 is that exact same as your 08, EXTREMELY SMALL!

It's been well over a year since I put this on the bike. Haven't been pulled over or rear ended.:D

Gets you noticed sure, but from what you'v said they work a bit like hazard lights, if your blinkers are being used does this mod automatically turn itself off, so as not to confuse motorists behind you about which way you are turning? Since your generally braking into turns I see this as being more dangerous than nothing at all unless it automatically does this.
A good habit that won't get you in trouble, or a ticket and costs nothing is learning to automatically pump your brakes as you stop, or if you see anything ahead that is cause for concern, the flashing of the brake lights is visible, and will draw peoples attention, especially those who may not be concentrating or focusing properly.
The stock brake light (on my 08 at least) is extremely bright anyway.
Hey Guys,

I just finished installing Priority Plus on my bike. It makes your rear signals running lights, brake lights and blinkers. When you apply the brakes the rear lights flase real quick for a couple seconds then get brighter. In my opinion this is the best mod I have done to date. I won't be missed, that's for sure. Took me about an hour to get wired up and working.

YouTube - FZ6 Priority Plus
I figured out how to change the amber bulb color to red.

I purchased a product called Gel Caps, they are a rubber red boot that fits over the turn signal bulb changing the color.

The cost is $5 and it's super easy to do.