can i use a different master cylinder


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Feb 28, 2012
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Could i use a R1 master cylinder with my stock 07 fz6 brakes? i still got the rubber lines but i would change to the SS lines, seems like it would work but im no expert :eek:

ive searched but didn't find anything related to what im looking for. :spank:
thanks for your help in advance :D
When I was checking in to this when I switched my Fz1 master cylinder to an Fz8 master cylinder I was told that there is a number on the master cylinder in my case it was a 16 on both of them. You just want to make sure that the number on the master cylinder you intend to install is at least the number on your old one or higher. I'm assuming the R1 is going to have a higher number than the Fz6 so it should not be a problem.
Should be a 16mm (~5/8") master cylinder bore. I'm not sure what the R1 would have, most Yamahas (and most Japanese bikes) use 16mm, but I've never looked into ones with radial brakes or anything fancy.

Otherwise, the brake switch wires should hook right up (AFAIK) and the banjo fitting should be the same size. If it's a radial, make sure you get the mounting stuff for the reservoir. One other thing that comes to mind, since you're planning SS lines, make sure the banjo fitting angle will work. Stainless lines especially resist being twisted to get to the right spot. ;)
A few years back I tried to install a R6 master cylinder on my bike. Unfortunately, the hose outlet is at the bottom of the lever, exactly where the throttle cables come out. I couldn't figure out a solution that I was satisfied with so I gave up on the project and stuck with a non-radial R6 master.
I'm considering swapping an 01 R1 master cylinder onto my 05 FZ. If both m/cyls are 16mm, do you think there would be any difference in power or feel?
i would have thought that the R1 one's would push more fluid, and therefore require a smaller amount of movement to activate