bull ****


Junior Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Why the **** do i HAVE TO change my password because it's 246 days old......??????? I have the same password for my online transaction for about 5 years!!!!!!Weird isn't it ?!?!?! That change of password pisses me of and i'll quit the forum for that one reason ... just letting you know

That is just sad leaving the forum over that. I don't think I have ever gotten told my password is old by this site. Oh well his loss :Flip: not ours, forum moderators and admins keep up the fantastic work love the site and the members.
Why the **** do i HAVE TO change my password because it's 246 days old......??????? I have the same password for my online transaction for about 5 years!!!!!!Weird isn't it ?!?!?! That change of password pisses me of and i'll quit the forum for that one reason ... just letting you know


Is this the first time since you have logged onto this forum since this thread was orignally posted below?

I had to change mine, not big deal, not even a deal at all. If you really like your password or are to retarded to remember a new one, change it, then go to your options and change it back.
I'm pro to have mentally chalenged people work and I'll go even farther to help any one of them but. It is scary to know that they ride motorcycles.
This is a joke thread right? the OPs gotta be joking...

the tone of this thread reminds me of that show My Sweet Sixteen :D
I just changed mine yesterday... I just want to tell you all it was the hardest thing I had to do. lol. :Flip: Keep up the good work admins and mods weed out the idiots. :thumbup:
Why the **** do i HAVE TO change my password because it's 246 days old......??????? I have the same password for my online transaction for about 5 years!!!!!!Weird isn't it ?!?!?! That change of password pisses me of and i'll quit the forum for that one reason ... just letting you know



Yeah,bye :thumbup:
the tone of this thread reminds me of that show My Sweet Sixteen :D

Gawd I hope you have a teenage girl at home.....:ban:

my daughter used to watch that crap.....unbelievable!

Ok, back to regularly scheduled rant about password changes......
I can tell you, I was MAJORLY peeved when I had to change my password. So difficult!!!! :eek:

Hopefully the rest of you don't use the same password for everything. That means that every administrator for every site you have an account on knows how to get at your bank account right? ;)
Well, I'm going to chime in here. I, too, dislike somebody telling me I have to change a password. How many sites does everybody have that requires a password? It's probably over a 100, right? The more passwords that one needs, the more frustrating it can quickly become. Yeah, I know, if you want security you should have more than one password out there. But, when a forum such as FZ6-Forum bounces us for a password change...? Huh? I dunno, it doesn't sound all that scientific to me---I mean, if I've been using the same password for 36 months why is it necesary to change it? Is it after 36 months (example) that somebody, somewhere, is closer to cracking it? Alright, so I'm starting to sound like I underdosing on meds or something. Of all the accounts, I think that this forum is only one or two that have bounced me and required a new password. Oh well. Okay, I changed it but ended up changing it back to my ORIGINAL password. New password idea: FU_GTFOOMF! (hint) third letter is "Get" Now, am I going to break relations with this great forum because I was asked to change PW? NO! N NO WAY! (end of rant)