budget cuts

Nice. I like that there's no mention of remocrat or depublican. Just a little lesson in perspective.

I'm in the process of wading through the documents related to the proposed budget. I really hope they cut more than this...
Nice. I like that there's no mention of remocrat or depublican. Just a little lesson in perspective.

I'm in the process of wading through the documents related to the proposed budget. I really hope they cut more than this...

Best of luck, that's a daunting task. Probably why politicians don't do it.
Isn't it a federal offence to destroy money:spank:

Just joking;) That was a very cool video, it really gives you a sence of how much they are talking about.
Best of luck, that's a daunting task. Probably why politicians don't do it.

LOL, yeah, I won't pretend that I'll get through even a very small percentage of what's on the govt. site, but it's quasi-interesting reading regardless.

My question for you would be where would suggest getting a "readers digest" version, a summary, that's *relatively* free from color or commentary from either side (d vs. r)? I'm always keen to find good, reliable sources for such information.

Not a clue man, wish I knew of one.

Our grandchildren are going to hate us.
Yeah I have no idea either, strange isn't it? You'd think it would be common knowledge given that it's our money.