Black Rim stripes mod :D

buahaha hey I posted these a while back :)

I think that last one all the way at the bottom of the previous page is my favorite angle.
Thanks madman... man I can get compliments on my bike all day long... it never gets old :D

No photoshop, no touch up, just pure bike brotha! :thumbup:
Hey David, I can no more find black stripes that reflect white on ebay. You know any alternative link. The ebay listing you posted has obviously expired
Thanks for trying!

I saw those, but it looks like they reflect gold... ewww.

I like the black with white/silver reflection that Wavex found... sexy.
Ya I saw those too. David got them from SBN store which is down now. I have asked both glsigns and dunstangraffix on ebay about them.
Ya I saw those too. David got them from SBN store which is down now. I have asked both glsigns and dunstangraffix on ebay about them.

Actually, if you read my post # 8 in this thread you will see that I got mine from ebay :) there's a link too... if they don't sell them anymore, you'll have to keep searching around! :rockon:
...i will look at your bike...again...and again...and again...and...
it screams testosterone...or something...enough to make anybody jealous! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

How are thos Contis working out for you? I really like mine but they seem to be wearing pretty quickly. I have a fair flat spot after 6-7K. Good grip tho.
Thanks guys... this is quite an old thread and that bike was totalled a long time ago :D

Doorag: I liked the Conti.... except for their lifespan... I got like 4k miles out of them...
Disclaimer: I don't ever get more than 5k miles on any tires though hehehe