bike stolen today!!!

Man, this sucks. I'd say definitely threaten to take them to court. Get a lawyer to draft a letter, include attorney's fees into the settlement. I'd also talk to the insurance - they may help you - it's their money afterall. You really don't care whether you get money from ins company or the clowns themselves, but ins. company has money at stake. Hope this works out well for you - keep us posted.
Re: Bike found

If drafted by a lawyer, I believe that is what could be considered a "settlement."

Take them to court - those jerks deserve jail time for wrecking your pretty bike.

And? This brings them maybe to jail but it brings no bike back.
I would prefer to have a nice bike again....
But well, each decides for his own.

Re: Bike found

If they are two losers without gainful employment, no matter what you win, you likely will never see in real money.

My wife and I have won two cases but the people we took to court cannot be found. We'd have to shell out more money to hire investigators to try and locate them which is more than what we've won. Sucks but that is the laws we live with here in the US.

Sorry about the bike. I'd have to say that with the frame gouged, it will be totaled anyway. Insurance would price to replace it because a frame cannot be repaired and that, with labor, is about half the cost of a new bike.

Good luck!
Allstate is taking the bike to the shop today for a estamet it may be getting fixed :)