Best crash bungs???


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2008
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France and UK
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I saw an FZ6 in a dealer the other day with crash bungs on.....nowt special about that I hear you say but these looked really good: very substantial, slightly tapered shape (not a straightforward cylinder), looked great on a black framed bike. Can anybody point me at where to look for them???

Thanks in advance,

Mate i dont know how to pass the link over but if you type in the search box crash bobbins you will find many links :thumbup:
Like these...
Ah tiens, un francais! :) :Sport:

Moi j`utilise Motovation... mais je ne sais pas si c vendu en France...

Good luck :rockon:
Merci Wavex. Je suis un anglais mais j'habite en France. Je vais chercher "motovation" sur l'internet. Je travaille en Angleterre chaque semaine donc c'est tres facile pour moi, de l'acheter dans un pays ou l'autre.

Anyone who uses the word C***h in relation to a motorbike must know what is coming.

They are better known as sliders.


Never installed em before so never took any notice. I am sure calling 'em sliders makes all the difference.;);) Whether your bike slides down the road or "crashes" is just semantics to me though. I had a "slide" just before Christmas and to be fair, "sliders" may have helped a little as the bike ground along the pavement on its side. They probably wouldn't have helped much with the bit where the bike embedded itself into a Renault Scenic though :D:D:D

Some people call 'em they don't taste too good though???

at bonemans fine suggestion, i went with these: they even feel slippery to the touch. i think they are more than just plastic, with some sort of silicone mixed in or something to that nature. motovation.
Are there any difference with these, other than just the looks of them? Would any actually perform any better in case of emergency?