Bent Subframe = Numb rear


Junior Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Lake Crystal, MN
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Well, I figure I should let everyone know about my experience. When I bought my FZ6 last year, it already had the comfort seat, but my right cheek was still going numb after about 30-45 minutes. When I bought it, he did say that it was dropped previously and that he had fixed up most of the cosmetic stuff. Come to find out a few months later, the sub-frame was bent. Sitting on the bike, the seat was off to the right; you could clearly see it when looking at it from the front (something I'll remember to do when I buy my next bike!)

Finally, this past weekend, I took the bike to my parents shop, and with a couple swings of a 16 lb maul, got it straightened back out. Now I've only ridden it for about 45-60 minutes straight since then, but it does feel MUCH better. No right cheek numbness yet! I'll find out when I go out touring for a day.

So make sure your sub-frame is straight before throwing hundreds of dollars on a new seat!

Side story: Of course, a day after doing this, I was driving out of my parent's shop and had to cross about a 10 foot patch of grass, and you can guess what happened. I was taking it slow, just above idling it and I hit a bump, my wrist twisted just enough, the rear tire spun and shot out from under me and down I went. I just thought to myself, I JUST GOT THIS STRAIGHTENED!! ^@$@#$%!.:spank: I checked it out, and since I went down in wet, muddy grass, all was still straight. Whew. My gf and dad watched me do it and one was freaking out and the other shook his head.

Cliff notes: Arse went numb, turns out the sub-frame was bent, straightened it, happy butt so far.
Glad all is well in the end!
One suggestion; the cast frame does not like being stressed. I'd highly recommend you loosen ALL attaching points to the s/f and allow it to settle. All bolts holding it should turn freely if not bound by misalignment.
I'd hate to see the main frame fracture. If it were mine, I'd do this soon. Also take a looks at the thread spark plug caps, cure for bad vibrations if vibes are part of the equation.
IMHO, if that rear sub frame was bent, I'd be looking for an excellent used one to replace it with (ie: ) . You don't know how stright this one is now, if there's any hairline cracks, etc.

I also had the right cheek buzz but no bent frame.

Some good FI cleaner and a really good throttle sync, as Randy posted, should help alot. My butt buzz right at about 4k RPM's. All gone now...That's with syncing at idle AND at 4,000 RPM's getting them within 2mm's of each other (factory limit is 10mm's)
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