Bd43 rules a++++++


I used to be Jethro
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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I got BD43's headlight mod in the mail about a week or so after I placed the order and it went in real nice. I love the way it lights BOLTH lights instead of just one. Great job on the construction, I probably could have cobbled something together, but BD43's mod is professional, easy to install and he treated me with great respect and friendship! Great product.
Im such a NEWB I see BD I think breakfast dessert... like those hostess fruit pies... THey are like crack

that has to be one of the most random things i have ever read on this forum.........:confused:

Much props to BD43 for making that for our community :thumbup::rockon:
Its been a while since I did BD's mod and its still one of the best looking things for our bike. He is top notch; both personality and quality of product.
I don't think I've eaten a Hostess Fruit Pie in a million and a half years. I think I might go buy an apple one today.
Is there a website where he sells the connectors? I've seen where other people have gotten his connectors, but I don't know where people are getting them. Are they just sending him a pm?
Is there more info in another thread? I searched for it but couldn't find anything. Sounds great, but I would like to know more! (pics, price, ease of installment) Thanks!
I found a website that has the connectors. You just have to solder the wire on to them. and scroll down to the FM090 Terminals (10 males/10 females. For the tab, and scroll down to Brass .305" Flag Receptacle. I used 18 gauge wire and wished I had used 16 gauge as the 18 is a fair bit smaller than the green wire going into the connector. On a side note I have 8 of the 090 connectors left and will ship them out to the first people in USA/Can that pm me. They are small enough that I should be able to send them out just with a stamp so this is a free offer.