Baby update 9 weeks!!!


Samurai FZ Soldier
Elite Member
Nov 29, 2007
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Hillsborough, NH
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Well it is about the size of a prune right now, but it is alive and doing well with 184 beats per minute. this is our first ultrasound and for those of you without kids... the feeling that fills you when you see that little shadow blip up on the screen in indescribable.

thought i would share:
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Awww wow! Congrats again guys! I remember that feeling well! Enjoy and take tons of pictures of mom-to-be during the pregnancy, you will regret it if you don't. That nine month black and white photo of mommy-to-be in a white dress...there is no picture more beautiful. (except that first one of pink and wrinkly wee one!)
Awww wow! Congrats again guys! I remember that feeling well! Enjoy and take tons of pictures of mom-to-be during the pregnancy, you will regret it if you don't. That nine month black and white photo of mommy-to-be in a white dress...there is no picture more beautiful. (except that first one of pink and wrinkly wee one!)

we are doing "baby bump" updates for the family every few weeks, they will probably get to be weekly as she gets bigger, but it is just a small bump for now on the outside.

I get more and more excited every day
Congrats! Request not to be told the sex. Way more exciting to find out in person rather than having the ultrasound tech tell you.

Yeah, there are very few things in life that are this important, I totally want to find out after hours and hours of labor, exhausted and thrilled that it's just healthy.

Now, all I need is for every person I meet to stop speculating about what it is based on my level of illness, the fact that I'm already showing a bit, the heart rate, the way it's positioned, what I'm craving etc, etc. Soooo annoying....
Well it is about the size of a prune right now, but it is alive and doing well with 184 beats per second. this is our first ultrasound and for those of you without kids... the feeling that fills you when you see that little shadow blip up on the screen in indescribable.

thought i would share:
Congrats to you both,
It is so nice when you see the first movements of your tiny creation.
184 beats a second wow, It should be beats per minute.
Good luck to you both.

Don't remember if I ever said congratulations on the baby on the way... So - congratulations!! :cheer:
about the size of a prune right now, but it is alive and doing well with 184 beats per second.

Holy cow that's one excited prune! 184 beats/sec... if that was me I'd be blowing a gasket!

Congrats. Enjoy every step of the way as much as you can. It is a great thing, these little people that pop out of woman's tummies!
Congratulations on your very exciting and wonderful baby news. It is really nice to see the excitement from Rob... very cute. Take care of each other, it is going to be a long 9 months (10 really) the anticipation of it all.. the different stages of growth... it is just a fantastic experience.

Of course.. you'll keep us posted?

I remember that feeling well! Congrats again to the two of you. You've touched on old memories of mine when I went through the same thing. Keira, I totally understand where your are coming from, being annoyed with all the speculation. My favorite response was to tell them, "Yes! It will be a healthy, tiny human!"

Now, pray you don't get OUR surprise on the third ultrasound.... when they said, "Hey! Look what's hiding behind the baby! The twin!" ;)

Enjoy and treasure these moments... it all goes by in a blink!