Asphalt canyon?


Junior Member
May 24, 2009
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Richmond Va
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i was on i295 today going towards dc when i noticed that the thing was being repaved.. no big deal right? just keep riding and dont worry right???
to my suprise there was like a 5 inch drop and im not kidding ive never seen this in my riding and car driving times it was pretty insane... the 2 left lanes where paved and the right lane wasnt . i was in the middle and needed over to the right good thing i looked ahead and saw it coming thats how steep it was. has anyone ever seen a big lip on the asphalt before when they are repaving stuff? im talking like sidewalk status!
give me stories!:Flash:
Yea that has happened to me before. I was on SR (PA) 422. The road was 1 lane each direction. At an intersection I needed to make a left turn via a turning lane (not shared). The turning lane was freshly paved where as the lane I was in was freshly milled. It was like a 6 inch difference that I needed to cross. So I slowed way down signaled to the cager behind me numerous times that I was turning. So I turned wide so I could hit the lip perpendicular. The stupid impatient cager damn near hit me broadside. He even took the time to stop and try and yell at me. I proceeded to tell him that I thought he was the #1 driver in the world and went on my merry way.

Moral of the story roads under construction suck!
i just went over a 2" ridge btwn lanes on a fwy a couple of days ago. made it without incident. didn't even realize what it was until I was bumping over it. I did notice that it was angled at about 45 degrees, that probably made it easier to ride over without catching the wheel.
one of the few times i have come across this situation i was in my old truck and crawed partway across and a cop pulled up and made me back out and go around.( would have been much faster and simpler to just finish going trough it.)
I saw that in Boston last summer, maybe 5-6 inches deep. They made the transition into and out of the "canyon" smooth enough, but forget about changing lanes. I agree, road construction sucks when you're on a bike