Ask A Motorcycle thief

Good read thanks man. Made me a little mad to be honest! Glad our FZs aren't exactly in high demand

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Fortunate I'm able to garage mine at home. Of course if you're selling your bike and they come to your house to see it and don't buy it, someone might be back in the middle of the night. Craigslist has a lot of thieves trolling on it.
interesting....very interesting
I learned to hotwire a car when I was rewiring my Mustang, but i have only done it on my car and the worst I have ever done was slim-jim my way into my friend's sebring to get my bookbag out of her trunk while she was in class lol, BUT if I saw someone trying to wire or steal my bike, they had damn well better be able to run faster then me.
looks like i'm way behind on the whole security thing :( time to bust out the cc

Yeah, I have nothing in terms of security, besides the steering lock.

I do want to get a lock or something, though I just know one day I'll forget its there and screw something up...
I appreciate that thief's honesty, but I'd like to punch him in the throat if I ever met him in person.

His advice is sound, and it makes me very thankful that I live out in the country and keep my bike in the garage here at the house.
If just sitting on another mans bike is grounds for an ass whoopin cant imagine what i would do to a bike thief...
This was all good info, considering that I live in a large urban area, and cannot garage my bike. Double my security efforts with another cable and a disc lock. The Xena lock screams at 120db, so I'm bound to hear it, and come out guns blazing day or night. I thought it was interesting that the thief would say that a cover could prevent your bike from being stolen. I thought that would just announce that there's something of value under there. Whatever. I'm still going to cover up my ride.:thumbup:
Good reads. I use a Xena squealing disc lock when I'm away, otherwise, it's in my garage. Scary to know that someone who knows what they're doing can make off with your bike so fast though...

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I just found this link myself through google, but of course it has been brought up here already. Just a bump for people who missed it...Very interesting stuff to think about when our comes to bike security. :thumbup:
I just found this link myself through google, but of course it has been brought up here already. Just a bump for people who missed it...Very interesting stuff to think about when our comes to bike security. :thumbup:
Thanks for the bump, I can not stop reading!! Really interesting stuff :eek:
I read the first post long ago and always wanted to hear another perspective, so this new reddit post is awesome. Thanks for the link.

When I lived at an apartment complex, I was uber-paranoid. I parked my bike parallel to the parking block and nosed my car up to it, so that it would only be able to be lifted out of the spot (if). Then I would put a steel braided line through the subframe and around the embedded steel support of the shade structure. Then I'd throw on an alarmed disc lock, and cover the bike.

Several times I was awakened by the disc lock alarm between 1-3am. Wondered if all of the security made the bike more of a target. The moto theft situation in Tucson is frustrating & ridiculous. Cops say everything goes to Nogales and over the border. :mad:

Stoked to have my garage now.